
8 Essential Qualities of Transformational Leadership in the Techade


Parag Bhise, CEO, Nucleus Software

"A crucial piece of advice is to prioritize continuous upskilling. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, the skills and knowledge one acquires today may quickly become outdated. Therefore, committing to lifelong learning and growth is a necessity. Dedicating time to staying updated with the latest industry trends, emerging technologies, shifting customer demands, and best global practices is important to remain relevant in the field."

He adds, "It is critically important for any professional to stay extremely customer-focused and continuously keep assessing customers’ current needs while foreseeing futuristic needs as well as proactively finding out and addressing customer pain points. Finally, it is equally important to put the organization’s priorities before your own and provide a single-minded focus on the vision and goals set by the organization. I am sure if the above advice is followed, any individual can set and achieve professional milestones in their career."