
CEO Insights Exclusive: These Tech Gadgets Are Trending Among Industry Leaders



Businesses are competing to implement digital transformation. Business leaders are innovating with artificial intelligence (AI) and are looking for new methods to use cutting-edge technologies like machine learning to generate value. It goes without saying that they must always be at the bleeding edge of technology. Something that helps top technology leaders fulfill this need for tech-savvyness is the devices they utilize in the workplace. CEO Insights recently interacted with the top five industry leaders to comprehend the gadgets they use to make their professional lives easier.

Utkarsh Yadav, Founder, Khiladi Pro 

When asked about the experience of using the latest gadgets, Utkarsh Yadav said, “I got to use a bunch of VR headsets at the chair conference, which was an extremely interesting experience. Virtual reality headsets, especially for the office, are here to stay. Compared to the games and other products they often sell, they have a far stronger usage phase. Therefore, I think VR and AR are really useful in terms of long-term productivity, as are other emerging technologies. Thus, it's shockingly good when it comes to phones that realize the camera quality that I've seen even on mid-range and low-end Android phones in India.”

Yadav continues, “Given the high rate of internet penetration in India, we have developed numerous use cases involving guided boxing and guided martial arts sessions. You may just put on your AirPods anywhere you practice alone. You can test silent or turn on the camera, and it will provide you with life feedback. If your arm's heart appears to be too low, you should endeavor to keep it straight. If you're doing it well, you should just leave a motivating voice behind. Even though I'm training alone, I still have this AI friend, this AI motivator and observer who helps me along the way, which appears to be a user experience. AR and VR transports us into a virtual world, while this whole camera plus airport piece helps us transform the real world into a digital one.” 

Jay Jaykumar, CEO, Grami Superfoods

“As a technopreneur, I love using gadgets, especially voice control from my smartwatch, and I use a lot of hands-free technology. For the interviews, a unified digital setting has always been my preference. We had access to the food industry expertise, and we're gradually pushing to get many early filters to start using AI-generated questions and answers."

"We use a lot of AI-produced questionnaires since, in the past, they were leaked and candidates prepared for them. Now, however, the questionnaires are generated automatically by AI and can be customized for each candidate. The procedure is therefore made fairly intriguing by the way it's set up,” Jaykumar adds.


Abhishek Bansal, Senior Director, Software Engineering & Product Management, Salesforce 

“Although you can have all the devices in the world, having a strong internet connection is the first and most crucial thing, according to the interviewer. However, the discussion cannot be productive if the internet connection is unstable enough. A reliable backup internet connection is necessary for that. The other is the webcam; I have a nice one that provides a clear image, but it needs adequate illumination to work properly. To ensure that your face and body are visible as you speak, make sure you invest in high-quality artificial lighting.”

“Thus, I believe that having a high-quality webcam, a strong connection, and the ideal lighting configuration are all crucial. Because it's crucial to present yourself visually when communicating digitally, the majority of the exchanges or even exchanges should be captured on camera. If they weren't doing something else that you wouldn't know, you wouldn't even know how the person taking you is responding to your content or whether they are engaged. Thus, I believe that making sure you're in the video as much as possible to make it much more participatory is one of the excellent hygiene habits I aim to encourage in others,” Bansal adds.

“It shows a lot more consideration for the other individual. An excellent headset is fantastic. I'm wearing a different kind of headset because I've been using AirPods and other items for a while. However, I've since discovered that it begins to impair hearing. I recently discovered this fantastic neck-fitting device. Even though it's not in my ears, it gives the other person a really clear voice, and your speech seems extremely clear to me. So, it works well for me.”

Oren Heiman, CEO and Co-founder at NatureGrowth Incubator

I adore my incubator partner since he is the one who chooses what technology to use. Yes, there are three things we will not do; instead, we will take the necessary actions and invest the necessary funds to reach the pinnacle. The Internet, both at home and at work, is one of them. If the internet suddenly cut off during our talk, that would be awful. For dependable internet, we pay far more than the typical amount of money. The second is the excellent camera that we currently have.” 

“As I sit here in my kitchen at home, the camera gives me a true picture of our geographical location and produces a background that seems far more professional than it does with most cameras. Headphones make up the third. These headphones are most likely the priciest ones available. These headphones have white noise filters from Bose. They're not excellent enough, in my opinion, but this is the greatest product on the market. And those are the three things that, given that this is an international operation estimate, account for approximately 75 percent of our critical video conferences,” Heiman adds.

Rudrapatna V Kannan, Founder, Deltra Global 

“I don't consider myself a tech guru, but I do my best to stay current. I use Apple products and engage in a lot of AI-related tasks. These days, I create AI stuff quite a bit. I spend a lot of time on social media. After all, I learned this about media presentation during COVID. I have completed numerous courses, and I have made frequent presentations on Facebook and LinkedIn. I thus continue to do everything. I can, therefore, now call myself someone who does, while not being technical. I can discuss AI and other related topics with young people nowadays.”