
CPOs Need to Know About Every Room in the House

CPOs Need to Know About Every Room in the House

Sujith Vasudevan, Managing Editor, 0

Ever since the dawn of the new century, the role of a Chief Project Officer (CPO) has been under constant evolution. Today, this change is happening in shut-eye time and it's even more dynamic. The pandemic has been a watershed moment for every CPO, especially from a technology perspective. CPOs, especially the ones who are looking at making a breakthrough in their career, need to comprehend the fact that the skill sets and traits that a projects team requires have changed dramatically over the course of the pandemic alone; let alone the constant change in accordance with the dynamic technology upgrades, operational changes and work from home models.
It's fascinating the way the mindset of organizations and people towards digital transformation has transformed, thanks to the benefits ranging from business continuity to ease of working, and collaboration capabilities. In the after math of this, CPOs should now also ensure fitting into the digital transformation module as well. While this scenario offers an excellent opportunity for CPOs to contribute directly to their respective organization's growth, it also brings in enormous challenges.

While it looks we are in the end game of the pandemic, CPOs will continue to be the drivers of cost optimization and turnaround times, which is an integral aspect of customer experience. This also means that modern day CPOs needs to know every room in the house. He or she needs to have decisive acumen in the latest technologies, alongside operations and strategy. The traits like emotional intelligence and communication skills will guide them further forward in the success path. In this special issue, we unfold the stories of some of the highly successful modern day CPOs.

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