
IIT-K Setting a Great Precedent

IIT-K Setting a Great Precedent

Sujith Vasudevan, Managing Editor, 0

With a dynamically growing technology landscape, sufficing the constant need to digitally transform organizations, especially while the hybrid work culture prevails, is arduous, to say nothing of the constant need to improve customer experience. Unfortunately, it's a perfect milieu for cyber-attackers to thrive. While the exponential growth of the internet and cloud and IT industry became a silver lining to the pandemic, the cyber attackers unleashed themselves on this opportunity, and the consequences were catastrophic. The number of cyber and social engineering attacks
against people is spiking as threat actors increasingly see humans as the most vulnerable point of exploitation.

It's no secret that we need more innovation and skills in the segment, starting from academia. Top Indian institutes are setting a significant precedent in this regard, and rightly so. For instance, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur(IIT Kanpur) has launched a Cybersecurity Skilling Program with support from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (NM-ICPS). The program was launched by IIT Kanpur's C3iHub, a cybersecurity Technology Innovation Hub, to focus on models, tools, and techniques for enforcing security. The initiative is an ambitious effort to provide students with a greater grasp of the technological fundamentals of cyberspace and cyber problems. It also introduces realtime cybersecurity approaches and procedures.

In truth, IIT Kanpur has always been at the forefront of finding solutions to business and social challenges. It's no wonder the institute continues producing global citizens and business leaders.