More Demand for Oil vs. Middle Easts Economic Diversification

Sujith Vasudevan, Managing Editor, 0
Perhaps fossil fuel doesn’t have a bright future in the world, but its present is rather healthy. Despite the Russia-Ukraine conflict and subsequent crunch of the fuel supply, the gasoline demand in Europe recorded the strongest this year since 2015 (January to-June period), according to Bloomberg calculations based on government data. The third-largest consumer of oil in the world as of 2022, India’s economic growth is highly influenced by its energy demand. Therefore, the demand for oil and gas is ever-increasing.
On the flip side of this coin, the whole Arabian Peninsula is betting big on technology as it slowly transforms from an oil based economy. In the process, a wealthy market for futuristic technologies is emerging in the Middle East. But the question of rapidly increasing demand persists. How and when the impact of this diversification will hit the world remains to be seen. In this yearly special issue, we explore more about the business realm in the Middle East and Africa, especially from the lenses of Indian leaders.
On the flip side of this coin, the whole Arabian Peninsula is betting big on technology as it slowly transforms from an oil based economy. In the process, a wealthy market for futuristic technologies is emerging in the Middle East. But the question of rapidly increasing demand persists. How and when the impact of this diversification will hit the world remains to be seen. In this yearly special issue, we explore more about the business realm in the Middle East and Africa, especially from the lenses of Indian leaders.