
The Gurus Transforming The Marketing Landscape

The Gurus Transforming The Marketing Landscape

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor, 0

If you want to be great in a field, learn from the best. This isn’t a secret and hence most of us turn to advices, lessons and learnings from the ‘Gurus’ of the industry. Marketing is indeed a very critical industry that needs perseverance and adroitness to master the tricks as the science of marketing changes very often.

Achieving the status of guru in the field of marketing is indeed a very big achievement, but with achievement comes more responsibility to not just offer the best of
marketing solutions to the clients but also to create the next line of industry leaders who can be the next marketing gurus of the industry.

From framing the best of the marketing strategies to ensuring the highest RoI for clients, marketing gurus test every possible move they practice and offer the clients. A person with influential ideas or theories about business, marketing gurus have achieved a high level of success with their respective industry. The twist is that with marketing techniques changing frequently, these gurus have to emerge as constant leaders not just riding the change but creating the next level of strategies for others to follow.

In our current edition of CEO Insights Magazine, we bring to you the story of few such marketing gurus under the listing ‘Top 10 Marketing Gurus - 2020’. We interacted with several marketing experts to understand their strategies, expertise and their leadership skills. Finally we bring to you the details here. Read to know more about them.

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