
The Hopeful Australia

The Hopeful Australia

Sujith Vasudevan, Managing Editor, 0

The world is finally starting to heal its wounds and the business worlds across the globe are looking at the development with more hope in the eyes than anything else. As the new year brought fresh hopes through Covid-19 vaccines, the butterfly effect was quite discernable in different markets across the world. But the drag of the pandemic is still huge. Like in all other parts of the world, the pandemic ridden yesteryear hasn't been kind on Australia either. Australia has plunged into its first recession in 30 years with 2020 starting with drastic bush fires and the coronavirus pandemic commenced without a breathing space.
However, it's time we need look, accepting this reality. Although lockdowns have battered the organizational budgets across the business realm, businesses remain positive about the subsequent years. There are various surveys that underline this sentiment. The good news for them is that rapid vaccination is helping to mitigate the effects of the pandemic while also helping to accelerate economic growth.

The organizations need to sit tight and be extremely vigilant with investments. The CEOs need to comprehend the fact that the new norms are here to stay at least in a partial way and they need to recognize permanent solutions to their operational problems triggered by the pandemic. IT partners could significantly aid them by finding innovative ways to help businesses such as limiting operational expenses, improving customer experience and catering to the need of the hour digital footprint in every way possible. This issue will tell you the stories of some of the futuristic business leaders in Australia, who are taking the bull by its horns and hence leading by example.

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