
The Right Plug-ins

The Right Plug-ins

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor, 0

In the past couple of years, India jumped several positions to reach the 52nd spot in the Global Innovation Index in 2019. A lot has been done in the recent past by our government, but looking at the countries spotting positions much higher than us, we still have years to go and opportunities to explore fast to cover-up the gap. However, throwing someone suddenly in the research & innovation ecosystem and expecting them to show fast & positive results are unethical. It is important that this culture be infused in us since our childhood days.

Institutions surely need to play important roles in getting the students inherit this trait. While only a few institutes
have established research & innovation wings, it is important that others follow the suite and help India top the Global Innovation chart. Investments from governments, both central and state, need to keep flowing-in, thus eliminating any roadblocks that may arise due to shortage of funds. On the other hand, institutes need to not just have innovation wings, but have faculty who know how to drive it efficiently. With the global economic war becoming fierce each passing day, startups are going to play a vital role in pushing the country’s economy to positive sides while generating employment opportunities as well. But then, startups can also survive only based on the innovation they bring-in to solve the existing problems more uniquely.

Understanding the importance of research & innovation in this competitive world, we at CEO Insights Magazine bring to you ‘Top 10 Campuses for Research & Innovation - 2020’. We did a detailed due diligence to come -up with the final list of such campuses who provide some of the most world-class environment to their students for research & innovation while also encouraging their faculty to keep this spirit high and become torchbearers. Read to know more about them!
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