
Engineering Comprehensive Customer Experiences


imageToday, leveraging data to aid business decision-making and gain customer insights is never confined to IT businesses. Both e-tailers and retailers worldwide are constantly looking for avenues to improve retail business and decision-making by using otherwise unused data and providing comprehensive customer experiences. They are constantly in pursuit of improving customer experience using multifarious avenues. Gurpreet Jolly, Head - Customer Experience Operations & Service Delivery, (Reliance Retail Ltd.), joins us for an exclusive interaction to decipher the leadership opportunities and challenges in the CX segment. Below is an excerpt from the interview.

What does the term ‘customer experience’ really represent? What are the biggest challenges in achieving this?

Managing Customer Experience is one of the most commonly tossed around terms in the alleys of boardrooms of late.  Yet, if you ask an average customer, most brands or service providers (established or startups) are far from delivering what we call exceptional customer experiences. To me, the term ‘customer experience management’ represents the symphony of discipline, methodology and/or processes used to comprehensively manage a customer’s cross-channel exposure, interaction and transaction with a product, brand or service. My reading of the biggest challenge of managing customer experience is the dilution of the concept itself from the business owner to the last man standing.

Many a times, while going through customer escalations, I try to map the customer's journey with us and punctuate it with “moments of truth”, “Key points of influence” and “pain points.” This, more often than not, helps me identify the inconsistencies and restructure the touchpoints.  

As per an industry report, only 17 percent of Indian businesses deliver “exceptional Customer experience,” even though at least 79 percent acknowledge that CX is the way to drive revenue.

How should leaders foster a customer-centric culture within the team?

In my opinion, to foster a Customer-Centric Culture, every organization must consider five aspects: articulate and define a Clear Customer-Centric Vision; empower employees with authority, training and resources and celebrate their achievements; collect and act on customer feedback; encourage collaboration across departments, and invest in Technology and Tools. Investing in AI-driven solutions, effective implementation of digital capabilities and increased visibility into data sources such as CRM systems, customer journey mapping tools, and analytics platforms are extremely crucial.

If you ask an average customer, most brands or service providers (established or startups) are far from delivering what we call exceptional customer experiences

Additionally, there must be a consistent brand voice, tone, and messaging that resonates across all touchpoints & communications, including marketing campaigns, social media, customer support, and sales interactions.

By addressing these challenges and implementing these strategies, I feel leaders can foster a customer-centric culture within their team, which will lead to improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and, ultimately, business success.

How should businesses and leaders leverage technologies to personalize advertisements and expand their customer base?

The ever-changing dynamics of the E-Retail industry have kept us on our toes. Technology has been at the Nucleus of the revolution in the retail sector worldwide. From creating awareness to personalized advertisements and cohorts to appeal to the expanding customer base to optimizing the supply chain, every step requires a robust integration of AI-driven technologies across different functions and platforms.

As per a PwC Consumer Insights Survey, “Around 66 percent of consumers in India – much higher than the global figure of 56 percent – almost always or frequently use their smartphone to research a product online for competitive prices, special offers and availability. While 65 percent of Indian consumers use their device almost always or frequently to read product reviews before making a purchase, 54 percent do so globally. India buyers are concerned about the returns policy, with 57 percent of them using their smartphones to educate themselves on it, while globally, only 33 percent look up the returns policy. About 50 percent of Indian consumers – 40 percent globally – use retailer apps on their phone to research or compare products”.

This must give us perspective. Some of the key strategies and Tech enablement that have helped us are:

Data Collection and Analysis: Collecting and analyzing customer data from various sources, such as online behavior (e.g., browsing history, search queries), social media interactions, purchase history, customer feedback and demographic data, helps us gain insights into customer preferences, behavior, and interests. This enables repackaging offerings for maximum appeal to the customer base.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Utilization of AI and ML algorithms to segregate customers based on their behavior and preferences helps us predict customer behavior and preferences and accordingly personalize product recommendations and thereby Optimize advertising campaigns. It also helps in designing personalized content and tailor-marketing messages to individual customers.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Maintaining a CRM system to store and manage customer data within a secured network and track customer interactions helps us manage and resolve customer issues.

Social Media and Influencer Marketing: We leverage social media and influencer marketing to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, engage with customers, and promote products and services. Today, brands are creating high-quality, relevant, and personalized content aimed at attracting and engaging millennials and Gen Alpha customers to build connection, trust and credibility.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR help create immersive brand experiences, enhancing product demonstrations and personalized product recommendations. 

The Indian retail market is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2027 and $ 2 trillion by 2032. What measures can leaders adopt to uphold credibility and trust in the marketplace?

In a space where choices are in abundance and competition is fiery, I think maintaining the brand credibility and trust goes far beyond necessity.  In a nutshell, the measures leaders can adopt to uphold credibility and trust in the Indian retail market include Transparency and Accountability, Quality and Authenticity, Customer-Centric Approach, Compliance with Regulations, Employee Training and Development, Supply Chain Management, Digital Transformation, Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Continuous Improvement, and Independent Audits and Certifications.

What would be your advice to budding leaders in the industry? 

I would bifurcate it into Business, Professional, and Personal.

Business: Change is the only constant. Be ready to pivot or realign with changing conditions and needs. Encourage creativity, innovative thinking and learning from setbacks. Staying focused on the big picture is important, but don’t forget to celebrate balanced short-term goals and achievements. Prioritize strategic initiatives that drive growth and sustainability. Make data-driven decisions that align with your vision. Put customers at the forefront of decision-making. Listen to their feedback, concerns and needs.

Professional: Open and honest communication can never get outdated. It helps build trust and confidence not just in customers but also in employees and prevents misunderstandings that can dampen morale. Lead by example and demonstrate the behavior and values you expect from your team. Only a happy employee can ensure a happy customer. Hence, show empathy, humility, and a willingness to learn. Be approachable, transparent, and accountable. Build a strong team free of biases and prejudices and foster a culture of collaboration, open communication, and mutual respect.

Personal: Take care of yourself. Don’t underestimate the power of a nourished body, constructive mind and free spirit. Prioritize your personal, mental and emotional well-being. Set boundaries, delegate tasks and take breaks when needed.