The Past Can Never be Changed but the Future is Yet in Our Control; So Invest in Yourself to Grow

Deepak Saxena, Sr. VP - HR & Admin, JMC Projects, 0
Investing in yourself is the best investment. To achieve a goal one has to develop one's personality not only to make a mark of his own self but also to help one in facing the world. To infuse your life with action, start believing in yourself, your desire, your goal/vision. With lots of jerks and smile, make your own future. Do not wait things to get happen. To become a Successful Social Person, though the journey can be tough with different opinions, priorities and goals, the result is a common win.
As India is envisioning becoming one of the powerful developed country in coming future Infrastructure is becoming a key focus area, this sector has to meet ever changing demands. To address this challenging situations It is very important for us to build a solid talent pool within the organization with extraordinary skills. Therefore to come-up with this challenging situation, there is a dire need to proactively infuse young, fresh blood in the organization and to transform them as future leaders.
With this thought process in mind we have a scheme of attracting fresh, enthusiastic and energetic talent from the colleges. We treat these fresh talents like seeds the way we nurture the seeds, water them, put fertilizers to grow them properly so that it turns into a fruit bearing tree in future. Likewise, there is a journey in our system. We recruit Diploma and Graduate Engineers from colleges. They are also fresh as raw seeds need lot of care, handholding, guidance and mentoring to turn them into professionals. They have to be imbibed with our values from the beginning then they will shine like Rising Sun on the Horizon. Keeping their momentum enthusiasm and spirit alive it is important to provide them great learning opportunity through job rotations, sense of empowerment through proper tracking mechanism. This creates vibrant culture and creates wonderful individuals out of them.
•Systematically Monitoring and Reviewing Performance periodically.
•Facilitating them for better performance on the ongoing basis.
•Take care of their Career Progression. We shape the ordinary to extra ordinary.
•We have bigger roles and responsibilities for the Hypo performers.
•Growth path for Fast Track Employees
Since more than 60 percent of population are Millennials which is raw sand and can be mould with their Mentor, Gurus into a desired shape. By giving them proper shape these future generation will lead on their two superpower. In order to extract the best shape, colour and taste of these fruits the basic mantra is to Motivate, Guide and Coach to make them Innovator, Leader and Thinker.
Few Mantras to become a Successful and Enhance your Personality
Affirmative Approach- First mantra in your life to develop yourself from within is to keep an affirmative approach towards everything in life. ‘You can do it!’ Believe in yourself. Positivity is a strong word to the extent it is a mere mention of the word but displays confidence happiness, drive, assurance, and self-belief.
Perform this task of bringing positivity in life. Take a pen and a paper and make a two sided column. On one side write down all the negative thoughts running around in your brain and on the other side write down all the solutions, which you have to solve those problems. You might have solutions to few of your problems but not all of them. You can make short term goals to achieve and trust yourself that you can complete. Once you achieve it, you will experience a different urge to complete more of such goals and this will automatically enhance your energy towards positivity.
Emotional Intelligence: plays an imminent role to mark your stand in the line of success. EQ represents a qualitative approach to success and focuses on evaluating how others feel, controlling one'own emotion, facilitating social communication etc. Emotional intelligence let people connect each other on a level where both the persons work together in an efficient manner hence achieving the goal of self growth and growth of the organisation as well. It is important to understand how to respond, how to communicate and how to live.
Think out of Box: Do not follow the crowd ‘Be different and Act differently’, as humans we always look for benefits out of everything. Thinking differently is an important phenomenon of our brain, which not only inculcates self confidence in us to work upon something but also helps other members of the organisation in fulfilling the desired goals. The thinking tanks of each memberof the organisation works differently the only need is to use it positively and express those ideas in favour of everyone.
•Growth path for Fast Track Employees
Since more than 60 percent of population are Millennials which is raw sand and can be mould with their Mentor, Gurus into a desired shape. By giving them proper shape these future generation will lead on their two superpower. In order to extract the best shape, colour and taste of these fruits the basic mantra is to Motivate, Guide and Coach to make them Innovator, Leader and Thinker.
There is a dire need to proactively infuse young, fresh blood in the organization and to transform them as future leaders
Few Mantras to become a Successful and Enhance your Personality
Affirmative Approach- First mantra in your life to develop yourself from within is to keep an affirmative approach towards everything in life. ‘You can do it!’ Believe in yourself. Positivity is a strong word to the extent it is a mere mention of the word but displays confidence happiness, drive, assurance, and self-belief.
Perform this task of bringing positivity in life. Take a pen and a paper and make a two sided column. On one side write down all the negative thoughts running around in your brain and on the other side write down all the solutions, which you have to solve those problems. You might have solutions to few of your problems but not all of them. You can make short term goals to achieve and trust yourself that you can complete. Once you achieve it, you will experience a different urge to complete more of such goals and this will automatically enhance your energy towards positivity.
Emotional Intelligence: plays an imminent role to mark your stand in the line of success. EQ represents a qualitative approach to success and focuses on evaluating how others feel, controlling one'own emotion, facilitating social communication etc. Emotional intelligence let people connect each other on a level where both the persons work together in an efficient manner hence achieving the goal of self growth and growth of the organisation as well. It is important to understand how to respond, how to communicate and how to live.
Think out of Box: Do not follow the crowd ‘Be different and Act differently’, as humans we always look for benefits out of everything. Thinking differently is an important phenomenon of our brain, which not only inculcates self confidence in us to work upon something but also helps other members of the organisation in fulfilling the desired goals. The thinking tanks of each memberof the organisation works differently the only need is to use it positively and express those ideas in favour of everyone.