Let's face it! There is no easy recipe for instant results. To reach growth mile stones speedily and successfully, you need to put dedicated efforts and catapult your company's success. As a small business...
In today's fierce competition, one of the things that give an edge is the product...
Engagement’ has been one of the biggest buzzwords doing the rounds in the business...
In the last few decades, Technology has transformed many economies globally. Indian...
As a leading global player in the food services business serving 100 million people every day, Sodexo faced a huge challenge food wastage. It...
Across the world, technology is changing the way we look at everyday things. These are interesting times to be at the crossroads of technology and...
That is IoT? In simple terms, 'IoT is the computing concept where every day used physical objects/ Instruments which are connected over Internet,...
Many leaders in the manufacturing industry are beginning to accept that Industry 4.0 is here to stay. Surveys organized by CII and other industry...
I often ask myself what the ideal workspace of the future would look like. In my opinion, it will be highly technology-driven, with the IT team as...
The international definition for Building Information Modeling (BIM) reads ‘digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of...
IoT (Internet of Things) is one of the hot topics when it comes to digitalization and upsetting changes to traditional industries. Internet and...
Office space has never been more in the public eye. While real estate for occupiers has become a strategic priority for business, the workplace...
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