Simplifying MRO Procurement

In procurement terms, maintenance, repair and operations or MRO stands for all products, tools and equipment that help keep an organization running smoothly. It's an integral part of 'indirect procurement',...

The 'know-do' Gap in India's Health System and How to Bridge It

The ‘know-do' gap in healthcare refers to what healthcare providers know to be the...

Security Disruption - Powered by AI & IoT

In the security industry today the buzzword echoing around is AI & IoT. Almost every...

Inspiring Generations

What thought does the sentence 'India is a young nation' trigger in your subconscious...

iFlame Consulting: Handholding Clients to Achieve Personal Transformation

The human brain is the most powerful & complex engine in the world, which influences a person’s behaviour & attitude. There lies a great...

Skills on the Rise in the IT Industry in 2019

Technology today is evolving at the most rapid pace ever. It is no wonder that the demand for skills pertaining to the latest technologies...

Knowledge is the Mother of 21st Century Skills

Vivek’s parents, Anand and Shivani, are worried. Vivek’s teacher has told them that he is often shy and is struggling to express himself in...

Education, Extracurricular Activities, Entrepreneurship & Associated Business Opportunities

Education is no more about just getting degree – it is about developing your personality as well, including each and every aspect of it....

10 AI Use Cases Which Can Solve Today's Talent Crisis

When business landscape undergoes changes due to technology, existing job requirements transform along with them and knowledge-based skill...

Media Industry Demands Multi-faceted Skills

We often marvel at how certain pockets of the world are able to produce so much of the knowledge and tools we use in our daily lives. The Silicon...

Current Trends in Big Data & Data Mining, with Applications to Robotics

The increasing digitisation of everything we use in today’s world is leading to the production of large amounts of data. This data is produced by...

How Digital Platforms have Transformed the Business Models of Organizations

The Internet has turned our existence upside-down. It has revolutionized communications to the extent that it is now our preferred medium for...

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