Manage Corporate Debt & Enhance Your Capital With The Right Credit Counsellors

Many people think debt management is a kind of loan, but it is not. On the contrary, it is a way to restructure the company's debts and start clearing them off instead of solely funding interest. Debt...

Financing Rural India, Strengthening The Nation's Core

Villages in India contribute close to 46 percent of the country's Net Domestic Product...

CFOs are Modern Day Business Partners

he fragile economy, which is every growing and mostly limping in the current times,...

Marketers' Guide To Creating A Seamless B2B Customer Experience

In the current marketing landscape, customer experience is fast emerging as a major...

Employee Engagement Is Not Employee Entertainment

People are the most critical part of any business & engagement plays a very important role. Too often, we get caught up with revenue & margins that...

Talent Management & Sustenance

It is important to understand that organizations are made up of human assets, which build the organization’s value through innovation, proven...

Women Empowerment to Women in Power - Together We Can!

Women empowerment, a word that is believed to be originated in the mid - 1980s by a feminist group of global south for addressing political...

The Importance of Training & Development in the Workplace

Intuitive and personalised, learning and development is a key asset today in a company’s organisational structure. From finding ways to motivate...

Reinventing The Workplace For Greater Gender Diversity

The workplace has evolved significantly compared to what it used to be a decade ago. With the introduction of new technology and tools, the modern...

Five Technologies Likely to Disrupt Industries

Emerging technologies are transforming the way enterprises function, leaving an overall impact on business. Technologies such as machine learning,...

How An Artificial Intelligence Enabled Workspace To Be Like?

Co-Working Space is emerging as the core of Indian Startup's economy where new ideas and innovation are taking concrete shape. Role of modern...

Startup To Company: Some Life Lessons

A lot of my thinking lately has been around trying to build out a company from a startup. What’s a startup? A group of passionate folks who come...

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