New Age Funding Mystery Solved

The Internet has changed the way consumers absorb information, as people spend more time on their personal devices, whether it’s their phone, tablet, or PC reading news, watching TV or browsing apps....

Unleash the Power of Geography for your business

Geography has always been at the core of business decisions. Businesses have used...

6 Transformative Impacts of Technology on Real Estate

Real estate in India may lag behind in plucking the fruits of enhanced technology - but...

Marketing in the Moments that Matter Most

When and how marketers advertise, could very well lead to a happier customer which is...

Top 10 FinTech trends that could influence the banking industry in 2018

As a result of the government’s initiatives, there has been a sharp increase in consumer adoption of FinTech. Below are some of the FinTech...

Effective Project Management Can Transform The Power Sector

With the Government of India stepping up its efforts for speedy implementation of various campaigns and programmes aimed at fast-tracking India’s...

Skilling the Gaping Holes

Revival and rejuvenation is the primary objective of the laboriously drafted NEP 2016. The Indian higher education landscape, plagued with its own...

FinTech revolution in India: Catalysts for growth & success

As per the report, ‘Indian regulators are disproportionately focused on averting scams. This generates a regulatory bias of blocking innovation...

Top 5 Omni-channel Retail Trends in India

Omni-channel is the new buzzword in the retail world - like ecommerce was a few years ago, and to a certain extent, Big Data was maybe a year ago....

Industry 4.0 Enhancing the Vehicle Experience

Automotive ecosystem is changing rapidly and the customer expectations are growing as the customer age is reversing. Businesses are adopting a more...

Bridging the Gaps between Rural and Urban Healthcare

Rural areas often suffer from inadequate healthcare facilities, shortage of physicians etc. However technology can be leveraged to provide...

Smart Cities: Ushering In the Future of Urbanization in India

By 2050, about 70% of the population will be living in cities, and India is no exception. India will need about 500 new cities to accommodate the...

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