With the progression of analytics, computing, and mobile business, e-commerce has taken a large impact. Contuining the success of your business means analyzing and reacting quickly and effectively....
Cloud technology offers hospitality industry CIOs, an opportunity to leapfrog over...
GST was designed to address a number of problems. The actual size of the country’s...
Medical data, tech data, consumer trends etc. can help showcase trends in healthcare...
In my 15 years of working with quantitative and data analytics in banks, I have watched some wasteful actions such as IT departments purging data...
Cloud has the potential to empower any business to function faster, smarter and in a more flexible manner. Manufacturing units in particular are...
According to a Google report, 65 percent of the buyers come online once during their property discovery process. However, beyond search, technology...
The technologies of today provide companies with dynamic data collected from both customers and suppliers, along with IoT Sensors. Analysis can be...
In line with the large multinational companies, we have leading Indian companies that are using the inherent advantages of scalability, turn...
Banking in India is in a state of flux. Interconnection of banks and branches has streamlined processes and compliance. There is higher...
In India, a woman is reportedly a victim of a crime every 2 minutes and is raped every 15 minutes. Consider this figure over 24 hours, 7 days, and...
Some of the most innovative companies have embraced accelerators as a means to work with disruptive startups. India has embraced this trend and is...
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