
AI-ML and IoT - What's in Store for the Future?

AI-ML and IoT - What's in Store for the Future?

Abhishek Agarwal, President – Judge India & Global Delivery, The Judge Group, 0

Abhishek Agarwal is a dynamic and exceptional leader with over more than two decades of extensive cross-functional experience with distinguished global brands such as The Judge Group, L&T Infotech, Capgemini Invent, Birlasoft, and Genpact. He is responsible for the launch and oversight of Judge India Solutions, a key component of The Judge Group’s global delivery strategy. He’s made unimpeachable efforts in the last six years to increase Judge India Solutions’ employee footprint; he has introduced and implemented a revolutionary hybrid work model due to which Judge India Solutions’ workforce’s productivity has increased considerably.

There is no denying that Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things have entered our lives quite seamlessly. About a decade ago, we would have found it extremely unlikely that a single device or a group of them will help us govern many aspects of our lives. According to reports by Markets and Markets, the global AI market is predicted to snowball in the next few years reaching a market value of $407.0 billion in 2027 exemplifying the expanding use case scenarios of AI. Whereas the IoT market is anticipated to rise to $650.5 billion presenting a CAGR of 16.7 percent.

Current State of AI-ML and IoT
To gain insight into the future of this league, it is crucial to comprehend the current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. While these technologies have made significant advancements individually, they are still largely disconnected from each other. However, when their collective potential is harnessed, they have the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct our daily business operations.

A further look into the future presents a much more intriguing picture of the possibilities that AI-ML and IoT might unfold. One reason behind this might be the exponential progress that these technologies have made at the software, hardware, data gathering, processing, and assimilation fronts.

Understanding the Role of AI and ML in IoT
Where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enact human action by coding, Machine Learning (ML) can imitate those same and more advanced actions, taking all the repetitive manual labor out of the picture. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vast network of interconnected physical objects that are embedded with electronics, sensors, and software, allowing them to exchange data over the Internet. Projections indicate that by 2025, there will be a staggering 22 billion connected devices worldwide.

The potential of IoT technology extends across multiple sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and more. And it is being applied in various applications, such as smart homes, smart parking, smart healthcare, smart traffic lighting, and smart waste management among others. The utilization of IoT is crucial for achieving high levels of productivity, efficiency, and safety in workplaces, as well as reducing carbon emissions in industries and other contexts.
Incorporating AI-ML technologies into IoT will empower the devices with advanced capabilities helping the devices to understand human communication. This can enable IoT devices to interpret voice commands, text messages, and other forms of human interaction, making them more intuitive and user-friendly. Organizations can reduce connectivity requirements and bring intelligence to the edge of the network. This allows for real-time data processing and analysis, enabling IoT devices to make decisions autonomously and take immediate actions based on local data insights.

Intensifying Challenges in the Age of AI, ML and IoT
One of the foremost challenges associated with these advanced technologies is Cybersecurity. As businesses become more reliant on AI-powered systems and technologies, the risk of cyber threats and data breaches increases. Hackers and cyber criminals are constantly evolving their techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems, posing a significant threat to sensitive data and business operations.

Organizations need to tackle these challenges whilst assuring technology and humans can collaborate to build engaging and culture-centric workplaces.

Therefore, organizations need to invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect their AI technologies, data, and infrastructure. This includes implementing encryption, multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, and training employees to be vigilant against potential cyber threats.

Another challenge with AI adoption is Privacy Concerns. AI technologies often require vast amounts of data to function effectively, and this can raise concerns about privacy and data protection. Organizations need to ensure that they comply with relevant data privacy regulations and guidelines and implement appropriate data handling practices. This includes obtaining proper consent from users, anonymizing data, and securely storing and managing data to protect individuals' privacy rights.

Furthermore, organizations need to find a balance between technology and human collaboration in the workplace. While AI can automate tasks and processes, it is essential to ensure that humans are not marginalized or replaced by technology. Organizations need to design AI systems that augment human capabilities, rather than replacing them. This includes providing training and re-skilling opportunities for employees to adapt to the changing landscape of work and fostering a culture that promotes collaboration between humans and AI technologies.

Most businesses are incorporating these unique technological advancements. However, AI comes with its challenges, be it cyber security or privacy concerns. Organizations need to tackle these challenges whilst assuring technology and humans can collaborate to build engaging and culture-centric workplaces. By addressing these challenges, businesses and even ordinary people can harness the full potential of these technologies and live a life of ease.