Fundamentals Of Business & Smart Economics In Architecture

Robin Sisodiya, Principal Architect, ASRO Arcade, 0
The profession of architecture is now far more advanced than it was ten years ago. By focusing exclusively on productivity, cost & schedule conformance, one tends to miss the real opportunity to drive change in the field. I have been influencing the field of architecture by shifting the value proposition of practice away from selling time in delivering results. The business model is now made based on executed outcomes of the building process itself, while emphasizing on the brand value to the firm. There is a lot more than just the entrepreneurial spirit that goes into running a business. The most effective business development strategies however involve spending time onbuilding proactive relationships. Below are some methodical strategies adopted by me to define a successful business development approach to get ahead with clients and projects.
Showcase Your Projects & Develop a Brand Name
Take the time to understand the ideal projects the firm can handle well. Do thorough research into the social environments and find innovative solutions for the design schemes. After understanding one's design strength, determine the work at the office and the typology of projects that the firm would like to be known for. It could be sustainable design, urban design, residential or master planning, or a design approach that potential clients can resonate the firm name with.
Design portfolios are purely dependent on show casing projects and designs. Recognize the need for a strong design process and design vision to be uniquely associated with the firm in successfully promoting and branding itself. The firm's design philosophy should be manifested in tangible ways in the form of a company catalogue or business cards. It helps offer a sample of what makes the firm so great upon meeting a potential client. Take time into designing emails and make the UI of the website clean and easy to understand.
Increase Visibility
Simply focusing on producing quality work is not enough,
maintaining public relations is pertinent to create opportunities and attract clients. One way to grow one's business is by holding speaker placements to talk about concepts and the work that the firm believes in to show case varied facets of the practice. Since referrals and word of mouth reach is not dependable the long run, make your presence felt in the industry. Look for opportunities where the company's design philosophy and design approach can be reflected. Ensure fluid communication with the client and within the office to ensure optimum delivery output.
Grow Your Presence Online & Through Networking
Making a mark online is the best way to reach large audience and catch the attention of uncountable potential clients & collaborators. Use the aids of visual aesthetics on Instagram to reach large audiences. The ROI proves to be much better on social media platforms since it reaches a wider network without much effort. Rather than considering being in competition with other firms, build connections through networking and use the complementary expertise to strengthen combined business proposals. Industry professionals are great resources when staying on top of trends and fresh developments. Additionally, maintaining good relations also helps in furthering one's knowledge in the field and other new projects.

Enjoy Yourself!
Take a pause and remember why the business was started in the first place & prioritize being happy at work. A good state of mind is directly proportional to high quality and better work output. It is pertinent to generate new business opportunities that involve both marketing and communications while nurturing relationships. Architecture is now about new ways of practice that are increasingly determinate and based on design outcomes enabled by fresh attributes of technology and business strategies that ultimately deliver the real value of design.
Making a mark online is the best way to reach large audience and catch the attention of uncountable potential clients & collaborators
Grow Your Presence Online & Through Networking
Making a mark online is the best way to reach large audience and catch the attention of uncountable potential clients & collaborators. Use the aids of visual aesthetics on Instagram to reach large audiences. The ROI proves to be much better on social media platforms since it reaches a wider network without much effort. Rather than considering being in competition with other firms, build connections through networking and use the complementary expertise to strengthen combined business proposals. Industry professionals are great resources when staying on top of trends and fresh developments. Additionally, maintaining good relations also helps in furthering one's knowledge in the field and other new projects.

Enjoy Yourself!
Take a pause and remember why the business was started in the first place & prioritize being happy at work. A good state of mind is directly proportional to high quality and better work output. It is pertinent to generate new business opportunities that involve both marketing and communications while nurturing relationships. Architecture is now about new ways of practice that are increasingly determinate and based on design outcomes enabled by fresh attributes of technology and business strategies that ultimately deliver the real value of design.