A. K. Dron
Managing Director
Dron is a growth-centric leader who strategizes solutions using technology to drive and scale business while embracing customer-centric goals. With remarkable attributes to lead the team into a high-performing family while innovating the infrastructure industry with technology, he is currently the MD of PMT Infrascience. Before leaving a trail in the success journey of his family business, he plunged into entrepreneurship by ideating an IT-related firm leveraging his background in Electronics and Computer Applications.
To honor Dron's journey as a thriving business leader and one of the most successful alumni of IIT (ISM Dhanbad), CEO Insights engages in an exclusive conversation.
Tell us about your professional background and experiences. What inspired you to join PMT Infrascience?
It was while I was pursuing BTech in E&C at MIT Manipal, I recognized my internal call into entrepreneurship and exploring my potential. Business was still in my mind but I went ahead to study MTech in Computer Applications from IIT(ISM)(erstwhile ISM Dhanbad). I have always wanted to live my dream and took the courage to start my own business in the computer domain, which took off quite well. Meanwhile, unforeseen situations demanded my foray into my family business (Progressive Machine Tools) which was mainly confined to the niche area of mining in definite geographical locations. It took me some time to understand the intricacies of the business. The almost failing business definitely required an elixir to survive. In my case, innovative thinking and perseverance became the `mool mantras' to revive the business.
Define PMT Infrascience as an
organization & where is it positioned in the industry.
PMT Infrascience has been providing innovative, integrated, and customized solutions for Infrastructure Projects and Mines. We Design, Manufacture, Install, Monitor, and Interpret a wide range of instruments for Geotechnical, Geophysical, Structural Health Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring, Structural and safety analysis, etc. for the construction industry.
PMT Infrascience is recognized for its quality products and good customer experience. `Trust' is our cornerstone. We consider ourselves privileged to be trusted partners with our customers as well as clients.
What has been your approach to leading PMT Infrasciece? How was your journey with the firm so far?
As mentioned earlier, my approach has been to enrich the business through technological interventions. We gradually learned to take giant strides in terms of innovations. The traditional ways soon adapted to the shifting paradigm. With a vision of putting our best foot forward in the global scenario, we moved to embrace the broader area of underground structures such as tunnels, dams, metro railways, and so on in Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring Instrumentation.
Since then, our company has grown substantially in size and scope by going hand-in hand with the latest technology. It has truly been a milestone that our instruments today are capable of smart sensing and realtime data monitoring for any kind of civil structure. We have consistently multiplied the number of products and witnessed growth in the market nationally and internationally. It's been a thorough learning curve so far!
Could you talk about the learnings and experiences that you acquired from IIT Dhanbad?
With an assured background in Electronics, the timely amalgamation of Computer Applications during post-graduation, the facilitating environment provided by IIT(ISM), and above all, the guidance of the learned faculty members especially Prof A. B. Samaddar and Prof D.D. Misra, there was no turning back!
Having my grounds in Electronics and Computer Science as my basic subjects, I explored different areas of earth sciences to provide geotechnical and Structural instrumentation solutions and find my feet in the everdynamic market. It was made possible at IIT (ISM).
PMT Infrascience has been providing innovative, integrated, and customized solutions for Infrastructure Projects and Mines. We Design, Manufacture, Install, Monitor, and Interpret a wide range of instruments for Geotechnical, Geophysical, Structural Health Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring, Structural and safety analysis, etc. for the construction industry.
PMT Infrascience is recognized for its quality products and good customer experience. `Trust' is our cornerstone. We consider ourselves privileged to be trusted partners with our customers as well as clients.
Hard work, perseverance & strength of character are my mantras to success
What has been your approach to leading PMT Infrasciece? How was your journey with the firm so far?
As mentioned earlier, my approach has been to enrich the business through technological interventions. We gradually learned to take giant strides in terms of innovations. The traditional ways soon adapted to the shifting paradigm. With a vision of putting our best foot forward in the global scenario, we moved to embrace the broader area of underground structures such as tunnels, dams, metro railways, and so on in Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring Instrumentation.
Since then, our company has grown substantially in size and scope by going hand-in hand with the latest technology. It has truly been a milestone that our instruments today are capable of smart sensing and realtime data monitoring for any kind of civil structure. We have consistently multiplied the number of products and witnessed growth in the market nationally and internationally. It's been a thorough learning curve so far!
Could you talk about the learnings and experiences that you acquired from IIT Dhanbad?
With an assured background in Electronics, the timely amalgamation of Computer Applications during post-graduation, the facilitating environment provided by IIT(ISM), and above all, the guidance of the learned faculty members especially Prof A. B. Samaddar and Prof D.D. Misra, there was no turning back!
Having my grounds in Electronics and Computer Science as my basic subjects, I explored different areas of earth sciences to provide geotechnical and Structural instrumentation solutions and find my feet in the everdynamic market. It was made possible at IIT (ISM).
The institute taught me to be a forerunner by bringing technology to the front seat, being well equipped, staying vigilant and under standing the ever pulsating nerve of the market.
Reflect on some of the major challenges you have experienced in your journey.
Well, there's no journey worthwhile without hiccups! Change is a risky proposition. The rigidity of mindset, conventional working ways, and lack of knowledgeable manpower are a few challenges to count amongst many others.
Manpower from diverse backgrounds needs to be trained right from the scratch. The young generation aspires for air conditioned offices and desk work and making them work in application sites at difficult remote locations and on tough terrains is a big task. Retaining them therefore has been a challenge for sure.
Bringing international players onto the canvas and bridging the gap between the work styles in the Indian public sector and the international, is a challenge again. Keeping abreast with every minute changing dynamics of the global market is a must and we regularly attend global conferences and workshops to strike this balance.
How do you maintain the perfect balance between your personal & professional life?
I firmly believe one has to have a smooth home fabric where mutual love and trust work as catalysts to provide growth on the professional front. I respect my spouse for the brilliant input and friendly counsel she provides from time to time and immensely values her integrity, grit, and dedication.
My family and friends and colleagues have always provided me rock solid support and kept me going in the face of all possible challenges.
What are the goals that you plan for the near future?
The goal is to connect with global companies and be recognized as an esteemed organization, to name it precisely. Preparing younger shoulders to take the legacy further is an ambition too.
I consider myself responsible for society and wish to repay by serving them. Currently, we are running two schools focusing on primary education and one ITI for skill development in the village.
A. K. Dron, Managing Director, PMT Infrascience
Dron is an esteemed member of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for Hydraulic Structures Instrumentations. Smitten by wanderlust, he loves to explore, play guitar, and mingle with people across age, gender, or social strata
Reflect on some of the major challenges you have experienced in your journey.
Well, there's no journey worthwhile without hiccups! Change is a risky proposition. The rigidity of mindset, conventional working ways, and lack of knowledgeable manpower are a few challenges to count amongst many others.
Manpower from diverse backgrounds needs to be trained right from the scratch. The young generation aspires for air conditioned offices and desk work and making them work in application sites at difficult remote locations and on tough terrains is a big task. Retaining them therefore has been a challenge for sure.
Bringing international players onto the canvas and bridging the gap between the work styles in the Indian public sector and the international, is a challenge again. Keeping abreast with every minute changing dynamics of the global market is a must and we regularly attend global conferences and workshops to strike this balance.
How do you maintain the perfect balance between your personal & professional life?
I firmly believe one has to have a smooth home fabric where mutual love and trust work as catalysts to provide growth on the professional front. I respect my spouse for the brilliant input and friendly counsel she provides from time to time and immensely values her integrity, grit, and dedication.
My family and friends and colleagues have always provided me rock solid support and kept me going in the face of all possible challenges.
What are the goals that you plan for the near future?
The goal is to connect with global companies and be recognized as an esteemed organization, to name it precisely. Preparing younger shoulders to take the legacy further is an ambition too.
I consider myself responsible for society and wish to repay by serving them. Currently, we are running two schools focusing on primary education and one ITI for skill development in the village.
A. K. Dron, Managing Director, PMT Infrascience
Dron is an esteemed member of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for Hydraulic Structures Instrumentations. Smitten by wanderlust, he loves to explore, play guitar, and mingle with people across age, gender, or social strata