Amita Dave
Apprehending the blooming scopes and the progress taking place in the healthcare sector, Amita Dave brought into being a prominent establishment, Stavya Spine Hospital – an exclusive spine care specialty unit that provides commendable and affordable operative as well as non-operative spine care solutions framed under the supervision of the best of experience, expertise and technology. An MBA in Hospital Management and a healthcare enthusiast, Amita destined her experience and knowledge in catering to the need and demand of spinal ailments. She unfurled her noble expedition by putting the corner stone of Specialty Spine Care Clinic in 1997 the very year she returned back from England. With year passing by, her fervent in straightening-out and bridging the gap existing between the healthcare facility provider and the infirm expanded; the escalating passion and objectives eventually became the purpose of her life. This resolution slowly yet surely led to the establishment of Stavya Spine Hospital and Research Institute. As the CEO of the organization, Amita has been taking care of everything right from the financial, social, and economic matters to managing the psychological aspect of more than 150 staff members and the entire management. She has dedicated herself not only in developing a cordial atmosphere between the staff and the patients, but also take-up the responsibility of configuring the institute’s educational programs and seminars to spread awareness about the lifestyle modification therapies such as physiotherapy,
social therapy, music therapy and other such therapies. These therapies can help people adopt a healthy way of living, move towards their social well-being, and at the same, help identify pressing diseases such as osteoporosis.
In this exclusive coverage, CEO Insights brings you insights about the inspiration and idea that led Amita institute this exceptional health centre.
Tell us about the striking aspect of Stavya Spine Hospital that makes it stand-out from the crowd. What different approach have you introduced to uplift the healthcare sector and treat the spinal ailments?
We are the new age medical centre equipped with all state-of-the-art technologies and theories introduced in the ecosystem. After coming back from UK in 1996, Specialty Spine Care Clinic was established. The need and demand of Spinal Ailments led us to establish Stavya Spine Hospital and Research Institute. Spine Healthcare became our passion. As of now, our hospital has been NABH accredited and established as Centre of excellence for spine surgery due to adaptation of technological advances. To name a few, we have unique facilities under one roof such as Assessment by Spinal Mouse, MRI, Digital XRAY DXA and two fully equipped integrated Spine Operation theatre suites. Theatre suites have O-arm and navigation system with neuromonitoring & bone scalpel, which provides precision in complex and complicated surgery. Safety matters the most.
Counting on the need-based growth, relying on well-founded researches, investing as well as adopting latest technology, and at the same time, conferring cost effective treatments is what keeps us ahead of the curve, making us the pioneering hospital and healthcare centre in Gujarat and neighbouring states that provides advantageous course of spinal disorders.
Stavya has progressed from 30 patients to 150 patients in outdoor clinic from 2004 to 2020, six beds to 40 beds, and 10 surgeries to 150 per month. Till date, we have executed a number of complex surgeries, which has been successful due to world-class gadgets. To maintain this kind of performance, we upgrade ourselves and match our steps with the world.
In this exclusive coverage, CEO Insights brings you insights about the inspiration and idea that led Amita institute this exceptional health centre.
Tell us about the striking aspect of Stavya Spine Hospital that makes it stand-out from the crowd. What different approach have you introduced to uplift the healthcare sector and treat the spinal ailments?
We are the new age medical centre equipped with all state-of-the-art technologies and theories introduced in the ecosystem. After coming back from UK in 1996, Specialty Spine Care Clinic was established. The need and demand of Spinal Ailments led us to establish Stavya Spine Hospital and Research Institute. Spine Healthcare became our passion. As of now, our hospital has been NABH accredited and established as Centre of excellence for spine surgery due to adaptation of technological advances. To name a few, we have unique facilities under one roof such as Assessment by Spinal Mouse, MRI, Digital XRAY DXA and two fully equipped integrated Spine Operation theatre suites. Theatre suites have O-arm and navigation system with neuromonitoring & bone scalpel, which provides precision in complex and complicated surgery. Safety matters the most.
We are the new age medical centre equipped with all state-of-the-art technologies and theories introduced in the ecosystem
Counting on the need-based growth, relying on well-founded researches, investing as well as adopting latest technology, and at the same time, conferring cost effective treatments is what keeps us ahead of the curve, making us the pioneering hospital and healthcare centre in Gujarat and neighbouring states that provides advantageous course of spinal disorders.
Stavya has progressed from 30 patients to 150 patients in outdoor clinic from 2004 to 2020, six beds to 40 beds, and 10 surgeries to 150 per month. Till date, we have executed a number of complex surgeries, which has been successful due to world-class gadgets. To maintain this kind of performance, we upgrade ourselves and match our steps with the world.
Maintaining professional and personal life is a daunting task. Enlighten us about your overall journey. How has your interest in art and culture assisted your objective?
My family is my biggest strength; their absolute support, love and encouragement motivated me to achieve my dreams. My husband has shared every load in setting-up the foundation of Stavya Spine Hospital. My children now help in the hospital, and as young and innovative minds they are, they bring about trailblazing initiatives. Considering this, I have also decided to keep a workplace environment that promotes a healthy management of life and work.
I am a Sangeet Visharda in vocal music. I believe music can be one of the best medium to convey messages to people. To propagate and spread awareness, we choreograph drama with music and preach about osteoporosis and other spinal ailments that people are not usually aware of.
What message would you like to put across to the aspiring minds who intend to bring a revolution in the healthcare industry through their abilities?
Follow your dream and stride to fulfil it, but never forget to value your existence and the importance of others in life. No battle is won single handed; to give shape to any sort of objective the support of your family and the people at the workplace is extremely significant. And that is the reason everyone should master the art of aesthetically managing everyone around you rather than imposing your thoughts and ideas on them and appear to a dictator instead of a leader. A friendly approach will make tasks simpler and successful. Learn to be happy at your victories and learn lessons from the failures, one will teach you to move ahead and the other will guide you to rectify the committed mistakes. Both the experiences will help you evolve in the professional and personal level. Do have an aim to grow financially, socially and culturally, aspiring to leave a never ending impact on the people who look up to you.
Amita Dave, CEO
A homemaker and an architect of a leading healthcare centre, Amita has made exceptional contribution towards uplifting and spreading awareness about the spine therapeutics in India, making it affordable and within reach. Our centre of Excellence has technological integration for surgical patients, Education on Life style modification for conservative group and Spine health check up for prevention.
Offerings: Bone scalpel, Navigation System, Neuromonitoring, O-ARM, Lifestyle Modification and Spine Health
Headquarter: Ahmedabad
My family is my biggest strength; their absolute support, love and encouragement motivated me to achieve my dreams. My husband has shared every load in setting-up the foundation of Stavya Spine Hospital. My children now help in the hospital, and as young and innovative minds they are, they bring about trailblazing initiatives. Considering this, I have also decided to keep a workplace environment that promotes a healthy management of life and work.
I am a Sangeet Visharda in vocal music. I believe music can be one of the best medium to convey messages to people. To propagate and spread awareness, we choreograph drama with music and preach about osteoporosis and other spinal ailments that people are not usually aware of.
What message would you like to put across to the aspiring minds who intend to bring a revolution in the healthcare industry through their abilities?
Follow your dream and stride to fulfil it, but never forget to value your existence and the importance of others in life. No battle is won single handed; to give shape to any sort of objective the support of your family and the people at the workplace is extremely significant. And that is the reason everyone should master the art of aesthetically managing everyone around you rather than imposing your thoughts and ideas on them and appear to a dictator instead of a leader. A friendly approach will make tasks simpler and successful. Learn to be happy at your victories and learn lessons from the failures, one will teach you to move ahead and the other will guide you to rectify the committed mistakes. Both the experiences will help you evolve in the professional and personal level. Do have an aim to grow financially, socially and culturally, aspiring to leave a never ending impact on the people who look up to you.
Amita Dave, CEO
A homemaker and an architect of a leading healthcare centre, Amita has made exceptional contribution towards uplifting and spreading awareness about the spine therapeutics in India, making it affordable and within reach. Our centre of Excellence has technological integration for surgical patients, Education on Life style modification for conservative group and Spine health check up for prevention.
Offerings: Bone scalpel, Navigation System, Neuromonitoring, O-ARM, Lifestyle Modification and Spine Health
Headquarter: Ahmedabad