Arnab Kanti Mishra: On His Quest To Reveal The Mysteries Of The Universe | CEOInsights Vendor
Arnab Kanti Mishra: On His Quest To Reveal The Mysteries Of The Universe

Arnab Kanti Mishra: On His Quest To Reveal The Mysteries Of The Universe

 Arnab Kanti Mishra,    Founder & Producer

Arnab Kanti Mishra

Founder & Producer

`Irrespective of the plans you make or the paths you aspire to take, the force of the universe ultimately meddles into it to compel you to walk on the best fitted route of your life,' avers Arnab Kanti Mishra (Founder & Producer, AKM Communications), when asked about his idea behind venturing into the domain of film making. After completing his graduation from IIT Guwahati, Arnab decided to go in the pursuit of his passion i.e., studying physics and becoming an Astrophysicist, rather than settling for a traditional 9 to 5 job. But as destiny had some other plans, he soon re-identified and re-discovered the creative dynamics to be his apt skillset, where he never had to put much effort. A man of science, films, and photography, Arnab is now creating wonderful AD Films, Corporate Films, Promotional AVs, Success Stories, Documentaries, and CSR Films and is emerging as a prominent name in the world of Film-making. Arnab founded his platform that goes by the name of AKM Communications and has managed to Produce and Direct over 300 Films in both Digital and Broadcast formats. Recently, he has extended the venture with additional features in the name of Shree Films.

Arnab engages in an exclusive interaction with CEO Insights.

How would you define AKM Communications as an organization?
People sometimes take AKM as short form of my name. In other perspective, the company is envisioned to create communications from end to end, i.e., 'All Kinds of Media & Communications', which justifies our brand AKM Communications. As one of the leading production companies in our country, along with films,we cater our services around AD Films, Corporate Films, Promotional AVs, Success Stories,
Documentaries, CSR Films, photography, videography, design, and more.

Ensuring a proper amalgamation of technology, innovation, and creativity, I try to do justice to everything that comes my way through cost-effectiveness, transparency, honesty and client satisfaction. Being an easy going guy who is not very conventional, I tend to measure my success in terms of the truth/honesty and satisfaction of our customers rather than pecuniary figures/ numbers. I know you will say that business is about numbers but then our Bharatiya Sanskriti is rooted to honesty and transparency.

Adwaitsiddhhant (principle of non-duality) is the key to witness the universe. If we try to find good or bad, opportunities or challenges then that loop will continue Rise above, witness things as it is & you will see the magic

How would you describe your leadership approach and governance style?
In my perspective, the concept of leadership is too hyped and over used. A bee doesn't take a course to make honeycomb, an ant to lift weights 18 times more than its body weight, or a bird with a beak and claws to make nests. There is no specific course for anything that you see around as nature and yet by the wonders conspired by the universe, animals and birds are able to accomplish such jobs which are unimaginable for a human being, who is equipped with so-called talents and resources. And that is why I have always been brutal about the fact that Humans are one of the most disparaging species on the earth.

This concept of finding a `leadership' is just an over hyped notion of the western world that is currently prevailing in the market and I believe it to be a system that has made human minds corrupted. Why we always look for leaders? Lets see the larger picture, If we all
give our best (best with respect to our efficiency), we would create a beautiful world. But very importantly before that we must go deeper and know our strength and for that you don't need leader, you need to connect with the universe. You need to the rooted and simple. Just like the entire animal kingdom learns automatically and contribute in sync with the larger idea of this nature.

How do you motivate your team to go the extra mile to take the company forward?
The deepest desire of any human is to accumulate unlimited wealth but that's not what we should focus on. How much extra will make you feel satisfied or happy. After getting hundred rupees, instead of thinking of ways to convert these 100 rupees into 200 rupees, we should think about how to make use of these 100 rupees in a much more benevolent way. I don't believe in taking a single extra rupee for work I didn't do. And I make sure that if anything that is taken as contingency cost yet not used during the execution as everything went fine, return that money to our clients. And we as a team believe in keeping our promises to our clients and making sure that whatever is promised to the client is delivered within parameters of our values. Remember the idea is not to earn more, the idea is to make this world beautiful. Similarly, we don't make any unnecessary promises to our clients which cannot be achieved. As a company, we believe in honesty and transparency. Now days the stress and tensions in the corporate employees are growing because people have forgot to see beyond the numbers and forgot the word, `satisfaction'. The extra is when there is a smile with a deep breath.

Arnab Kanti Mishra, Founder & Producer, AKM Communications & Shree Films
Arnab follows four philosophies in life that subtly defines him as an individual. He likes to describe himself as a sorted person who believes in pivoting toward solutions. An optimistic personality, Arnab likes to live in the present and refrains from judging people based on their appearances. As his fourth ideology, Arnab try to manifests feeling of bliss across all his daily functionalities and maintain a deeper romantic connection in everything he does, even to the level of microscopic segments of life.

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