Ashok Manaktala: Taking Unique Steps To Improve Standards | CEOInsights Vendor
Ashok Manaktala: Taking Unique Steps To Improve Standards

Ashok Manaktala: Taking Unique Steps To Improve Standards

Ashok Manaktala, Chairman

Ashok Manaktala


Leadership is the process of leading and encouraging employees to attain your business goals and objectives and it plays a pivotal part in enhancing employees’ performance and productivity.The qualities like decisiveness, self-awareness, fairness, enthusiasm, integrity, creativity, and innovation are the essential attributes that a leader should have. Ashok Manaktala, the Chairman of Topsel Pvt. Ltd. is a name that comes to mind when we think of such attributes all in one person. Ashok featured in CNN ICICI Emerging India Awards, and has been excelling in the world of business for the last many decades. He had finished his B.E.(Electrical) from REC Durgapur and later he jumped into business leaving his secure job behind and from there on he never looked back and achieved great heights.Engaging in a one on one interaction with the team of CEO Insights magazine,Ashok highlights his professional journey and how he is making constant efforts towards leaving a greater impact on society.

Tell us about your professional background and experiences. What inspired you to venture into the automotive space and what drives you today?
After completing my Electrical Engineering from REC Durgapur, my professional journey started with Philips.Most of my classmates at that time migrated to the US for jobs, but I had to support my family so that was not an option for me. I worked in Philips for a couple of years, but all along the fact that I had to help my father and get my three sisters married played upon my mind. A sum of Rs 600 per month salary was not enough, I had to make more money to fulfil my needs so, I took a bold decision to quit the security of a safe job and start my own business. I had a mere Rs 5,000 savings and was thankful that my uncle lent me Rs 50,000 and my father chipped in with Rs 20,000 and I had a total of Rs 75,000 to start an agency for Waxpol polishes.
Subsequently, selected motor parts brands were added to the business, and much later Toyota cars, Tanishq Jewellery & Bharat Benz trucks & buses.

Talk about your management style of steering the company towards positive outcomes.
I believe that discipline and time management are really important, even at 77, I am the first one into the office at 8.30 am. Leading by example is what I believe in, which clearly motivates my team to do better in life and in their career.

At Topsel, we have always endeavored to replicate a professional corporate culture and have strong HR practices

Topsel recently turned 50 and celebrated its Golden Jubilee and has been able to grow only because of its strong belief in building customer trust through ethical and honest dealing, and standing by its commitments made to all stakeholders including customers employees, and principal companies.

Define Topsel as an organization and its position in the market. What are the unique propositions offered by the company to its customers? What sets apart the company from its peers in the industry?
Topsel has always aspired to be the leading name in the Automobile and Retail industry in East India by providing quality products and quality services through motivated employees. At Topsel, we have always endeavored to replicate a professional corporate culture and have strong HR practices. We believe in keeping Employee and Customer satisfaction as the topmost priority followed by Business.

To differentiate yourself is becoming more and more difficult in the automobile dealership trade since the quality of vehicles is now almost at par for most companies. In Toyota, we have embarked on a project to offer a heart touching experience to our guests (not customers!) as we believe that the guest experience we offer will be the key differentiator in the competitive landscape that lies ahead. Creating positive word of mouth and customers for life is the only way forward.
How were the operations of the company during the pandemic outbreak? Describe your role in applying strategies to direct it towards the right path.
Though the pandemic brought many uncertainties at Topsel we were certain of one fact that we would see this through together as a family. Not a single person in Topsel was laid off as a result of the pandemic and we also extended all kinds of support to all our employees. We did cut other costs wherever possible and simultaneously invested in training and engagement for our employees. I believe that this approach has generated a great deal of goodwill for our company.

In your professional journey so far, which are the milestones that you recall to be satisfying both personally and professionally? Also, what would be your advice to the professionals entering this domain?
My first job with Philips is always memorable but the key milestone was my decision to take a calculated risk and quit the safety of a job to start my own business. Thereafter, being associated with Toyota and Titan was another turning point in my journey. The last milestone was when we took a strategic decision in 2018to divest the spare parts distribution business and found an ideal alliance partner in TVS Automobile Solutions who were looking at acquiring leading regional distributors to have a pan India presence.

My advice to those entering the business is that you need to be completely involved in what you do and pay attention to the minutest of details. Interact with customers whenever you can to understand their pain points. Don’t walk away from a difficult situation, face it boldly and you will get a solution.

Ashok Manaktala, Chairman, Topsel
Featured in CNN ICICI Emerging India Awards,Ashok has been excelling in the world of business for the last many decades. He had finished his B.E. (Electrical) from REC Durgapur and later he jumped into business leaving his secure job behind and from there on he never looked back and achieved great heights.

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