Chandramohan Siram: An Industry Veteran Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Solutions Across India | CEOInsights Vendor
Chandramohan Siram: An Industry Veteran Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Solutions Across India

Chandramohan Siram: An Industry Veteran Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Solutions Across India

Chandramohan Siram,Managing Director

Chandramohan Siram

Managing Director

Chandramohan Siram, Managing Director, Sahasra Crop Science is an industrious leader who began his career by pursuing studies in Agricultural Sciences and Management owing to his keen interest in agriculture. He ventured into the marketing domain with Shaw Wallace & Co. and won several awards for his exceptional performance in sales including the Star Sales Officer Award. He has successfully served in different capacities in Godavari Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. and was one of the architects behind launching Godavari DAP in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. During his professional journey, he has been bestowed the title of Crisis Manager for his exceptional ability to strategically handle complex situations. During the association with Prathista Industries, his pioneering efforts to induct fermentation oriented Gluconate and Lactate products in the Indian and global agricultural markets has proved to be a game changer and has also won him great accolades. Chandramohan works relentlessly to develop newer concepts and strategies for agricultural promotion and to eradicate the usage of chemical fertilizers in farming which is extremely detrimental to the environment and the community. His understanding of complex ideas, creativity, strategic planning, leadership, dynamism, and implementation skills have pivoted the company to newer heights. Let’s hear it from him.

How would you define Sahasra Crop Science and its position in the market? Also, how does your company differentiate itself from the competition?
Sahasra’s aim is to encourage and promote organic farming which is an alternative agricultural system that evolved in reaction to the rapidly changing farmer practices due to the advent of the Green Revolution, where the utilization of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers
increased abnormally which contributed to the deterioration of soil health and ecological balance. As a pioneer in the field of manufacturing organic farming inputs, the company is in a good position to grab the market opportunities having the potential in contributing to sustainability, ecofriendly solutions, and agroeconomy. The company is known for its highest order customer driven services and quality products which meet the standards of organic certification guidelines.

My success mantra is the motivation to excel stems from the sheer zeal and concern to serve the aggrieved and stressed agricultural community whichis always at the receiving end due to several biotic and abiotic conditions

How would you describe your role in tackling the challenges posed by the pandemic?
It is a proven fact that the foods raised through organic farming improve overall human health and body resistance owing to the presence of antioxidants and the absence of leaching chemicals. This is the cornerstone for our marketing strategy over our competitors in the agromarket. Our company is registering an encouraging and substantial market growth over our

competition in the prevailing period of corona pandemic which we see as an opportunity to grow vertically and horizontally and expand our organic agribusiness multifold. As part of our company’s employees’ welfare policy, we have taken all the precautions to protect our employees from the disease by timely getting them vaccinated and providing them necessary personal protection.

What are the changes in market behaviour that you anticipate and what are the opportunities that you foresee as a leader? What is the roadmap that you have planned for
Sahasra Crop Science?
People are changing their lifestyles and becoming more healthconscious. They are also seen picking up the consumption of organic foods. This creates an ample opportunity for our company and we anticipate the enhanced market potential for our organic Agriproducts and services in the changed market scenario and we can foresee a very bright and multifold market growth in the organic Agri segment. Having pioneered the business of manufacturing and marketing organic agri inputs, the company aims to retain the leadership position in organic farming by offering better and innovative solutions to the issues of the agricultural community through the best-of-the-class services and quality products and timely supplies which can benefit the farming community immensely.

How did you make it to reach this level of success and what is your success mantra?
My success mantra is the motivation to excel stems from the sheer zeal and concern to serve the aggrieved and stressed agricultural community which is always at the receiving end due to several biotic and abiotic conditions. Sincerity, hard work, selfconfidence, determination, and dedication to the assignments contributed to the success of my career as a manager, thinker, and strategist and created a win-win approach for both the company and the agricultural community.

Chandramohan Siram, Managing Director, Sahasra Crop Science Private Limited
Having a B.Sc. in Agriculture from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University and PGDBA from Indira Gandhi National Open University, Chandramohan has a vast 37+ years of professional experience in different industries. Currently, he is leading Sahasra Crop Science as the Managing Director.

Hobbies:Badminton, Cricket, Computer Games
Favorite Cuisine:Tomato Curry, Potato Fry
Favorite Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Favorite Travel Destination:"Gangtok, Sikkim

Awards & Recognition: Business Leaders Award 2021, Man of Excellence - IAF – 2021, Manager of the Year 2008, Udyog Ratana Award for Best Performance 2007

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