Col. Rajeev Mannali
Recently, CEO Insights engaged in an exclusive conversation with Col. Rajeev Mannali to know more about him and his professional journey including his stint in the healthcare sector.
Give a brief account of your professional journey. Do also mention about your leadership approach and success mantra.
The professional journey has been an interesting one.The training and orientation right through Sainik School, National Defence Academy and Indian Military Academy have been to use force in defence of the country. Having served the Indian Army for over 33 years and having served in all warlike situations including J& K, North East, and SriLanka as part of IPKF as a tank man, one has kept the flag flying high and has served the country with distinction. Post Super Annuation joined the healthcare sector out of choice and have been using one’s skills to provide a suitable platform for healthcare professionals to perform and apply their skills to save lives at any cost. The change in roles and adaptation to the same has been remarkable and makes the life story stand out as a shining example of tenacity and perseverance to ‘get things done’ irrespective of the roles and the area of functionality.
The leadership mantra to success has been to 'lead from the front’ and
applying a ‘hands-on’ approach-cultivating and nurturing the team to perform against all odds.
Define SUT as a healthcare organization and its position in the market.
SUT is the first Corporate Super specialty hospital in Kerala and has the distinction of having performed the first beating heart open surgery in Kerala. It possibly is the only hospital operating out of an erstwhile palace of the Royal family of the erstwhile princely state of ‘Travan core’ and in keeping with this unique distinction our motto stands out as ‘Old age values with new age treatments’. As the oldest corporate super specialty hospital which commenced operations in 1987, the hospital continues to be a Preferred Health Care Organisation in Thiruvananthapuram the capital city of Kerala. Besides, all major tertiary care facilities being available, the hospital performs renal transplants with almost a 100 percent success rate. The hospital is fully equipped with 220 beds, seven OTs, and 67 ICU beds.
What are the factors you look into when developing effective corporate growth strategies?
The effective strategy put in place is that of a corporate entity with a charitable outlook. ‘Pulse before Purse’ is a well-defined one liner that makes the hospital stand out on its own. Clinical and Nursing care are par excellence with administrative support providing intimate support for clinicians to bring out their best clinical skills and practices in pursuit of excellence.
How have you been guiding the workforce to draw valuable insights from the market, adopting latest medical technologies and practices?
Workforce management is more of an art than a science in a state like Kerala where the workforce is known to be militant in pursuing their rights. The insight provided is that of a ‘divine role’ in helping the patients get the best care to tide over their health problems, with an emphasis on empathy and compassion. The workers unions are being treated as partners in getting the right outcomes for the
Define SUT as a healthcare organization and its position in the market.
SUT is the first Corporate Super specialty hospital in Kerala and has the distinction of having performed the first beating heart open surgery in Kerala. It possibly is the only hospital operating out of an erstwhile palace of the Royal family of the erstwhile princely state of ‘Travan core’ and in keeping with this unique distinction our motto stands out as ‘Old age values with new age treatments’. As the oldest corporate super specialty hospital which commenced operations in 1987, the hospital continues to be a Preferred Health Care Organisation in Thiruvananthapuram the capital city of Kerala. Besides, all major tertiary care facilities being available, the hospital performs renal transplants with almost a 100 percent success rate. The hospital is fully equipped with 220 beds, seven OTs, and 67 ICU beds.
In anticipation of the changes in market trends ‘Quality of Care’ and ‘Personalized care’ are being bandied about as the brand value of SUT and that seems to be working beautifully in keeping the patients steadfast in their loyalty
What are the factors you look into when developing effective corporate growth strategies?
The effective strategy put in place is that of a corporate entity with a charitable outlook. ‘Pulse before Purse’ is a well-defined one liner that makes the hospital stand out on its own. Clinical and Nursing care are par excellence with administrative support providing intimate support for clinicians to bring out their best clinical skills and practices in pursuit of excellence.
How have you been guiding the workforce to draw valuable insights from the market, adopting latest medical technologies and practices?
Workforce management is more of an art than a science in a state like Kerala where the workforce is known to be militant in pursuing their rights. The insight provided is that of a ‘divine role’ in helping the patients get the best care to tide over their health problems, with an emphasis on empathy and compassion. The workers unions are being treated as partners in getting the right outcomes for the
patients and their by standers and the approach has helped considerably.
What is your anticipation regarding the future changes in the market and how do you plan to help the SUT Super Specialty Hospital scale ahead?
The use of technology wherever possible is treated as cutting-edge.In anticipation of the changes in market trends ‘Quality of Care’ and ‘Personalized care’ are being bandied about as the brand value of SUT and that seems to be working beautifully in keeping the patients steadfast in their loyalty.
What is your advice to upcoming leaders in this domain?
Be conscious of the three major stake holders and their well being which will ensure success the stakeholders being Patients & their bystanders, Employees, and Shareholders. Harmony in the approach to handling the three entities and taking care of their needs and interests is likely to be the deciding factor in the success of future leaders in this field.
Col. Rajeev Mannali, Chief Executive Officer, SUT Pattom
In a distinguished career spanning over 33 years, having served the nation participating in several warlike operations including J&K, North East,and Sri Lanka(as part of IPKF)with distinction he is currently providing healthcare services to patients as the CEO of SUT PATTOM.
Hobbies:Swimming and Equitation, Reading, and Writing. Is involved in a number of spiritual organizations specializing in mentoring the youth, especially from the under privileged sections of society.
Favourite Cuisine: South Indian and Punjabi Cuisine
Favourite Book:‘Roots’ by Aldous Huxley
Favourite Travel Destination: Is fond of traveling to Asian destinations, especially Bangkok and Colombo.
Awards & Recognition:
Awarded by Kerala State Industries Development Corporation in 2011 for Exceptional Contribution in Health Care Management
Awarded by ‘Kala Kaumudi Arogyam’ a vernacular group of publications for contributions in the field of Health Care.
Awarded by Kerala Kaumudi Group of Publications for Lifetime achievement in service to the nation.
Nominated by CEO Insights as one of the top ten Chief Administrative Officers in the country.
Various awards by Rotary at different points in time for the contribution to societal development.
What is your anticipation regarding the future changes in the market and how do you plan to help the SUT Super Specialty Hospital scale ahead?
The use of technology wherever possible is treated as cutting-edge.In anticipation of the changes in market trends ‘Quality of Care’ and ‘Personalized care’ are being bandied about as the brand value of SUT and that seems to be working beautifully in keeping the patients steadfast in their loyalty.
What is your advice to upcoming leaders in this domain?
Be conscious of the three major stake holders and their well being which will ensure success the stakeholders being Patients & their bystanders, Employees, and Shareholders. Harmony in the approach to handling the three entities and taking care of their needs and interests is likely to be the deciding factor in the success of future leaders in this field.
Col. Rajeev Mannali, Chief Executive Officer, SUT Pattom
In a distinguished career spanning over 33 years, having served the nation participating in several warlike operations including J&K, North East,and Sri Lanka(as part of IPKF)with distinction he is currently providing healthcare services to patients as the CEO of SUT PATTOM.
Hobbies:Swimming and Equitation, Reading, and Writing. Is involved in a number of spiritual organizations specializing in mentoring the youth, especially from the under privileged sections of society.
Favourite Cuisine: South Indian and Punjabi Cuisine
Favourite Book:‘Roots’ by Aldous Huxley
Favourite Travel Destination: Is fond of traveling to Asian destinations, especially Bangkok and Colombo.
Awards & Recognition:
Awarded by Kerala State Industries Development Corporation in 2011 for Exceptional Contribution in Health Care Management
Awarded by ‘Kala Kaumudi Arogyam’ a vernacular group of publications for contributions in the field of Health Care.
Awarded by Kerala Kaumudi Group of Publications for Lifetime achievement in service to the nation.
Nominated by CEO Insights as one of the top ten Chief Administrative Officers in the country.
Various awards by Rotary at different points in time for the contribution to societal development.