Coverdale Consultant: Enabling People To Succeed Together | CEOInsights Vendor
Coverdale Consultant: Enabling People To  Succeed Together

Coverdale Consultant: Enabling People To Succeed Together

Hanspeter Durlesser, CEO,Elvira Klein, Senior Consultant

Hanspeter Durlesser, CEO

Elvira Klein, Senior Consultant

After completing education in Geophysics and soil science, Dr. Durlesser started career as a soil investigator. He is known for contributing to the transformation of an organization with top-notch consulting and training, which are focused in team development,project management, communication & sales, and conflict management.

In this constantly shifting business landscape, corporate leadership is something that goes beyond spectrum. Witnessing the globalization, digital sine qua non and mutating work world, leaders today not only need to act with full agility & resilience, but they need to possess the kind of leadership that is capable of eclipsing all major setbacks in business. Appreciatively, business & corporate leadership training is an ideal resort to the pragmatic development in leadership styles. According to a recent report, the global corporate leadership training market is expected to grow by $26.7 billion during 2020-2024, advancing at a CAGR of 13percent during the forecast period.

Chennai-based Coverdale Consultants (a network company ofCoverdale International) is one amongst the legion of such leadership development companies dedicated to enabling people to succeed together through its experiential learning and leadership coaching initiatives. Dr. Hanspeter Durlesser (CEO, Coverdale Consultants) is the key person leading this company in India along with five other management team members- Elvira Klein (Senior Consultant & Trainer), Jörg Zimmermann (Consultant & Trainer), Anita Gaur (Consultant & Trainer), M.R. Raghavan (Second Managing Director), and Pranjal Tiwari (Consultant & Trainer). They are collectively involved in helping people and organizations along change process management andleadership skill development through training and consulting and coaching.

CEO Insights engaged in an exclusive conversation with Dr. Hanspeter and Elvira to know more about the company’s excellence. Here are the excerpts:

Brief us on the characteristics of Coverdale Consultants.
Dr. Hanspeter: Coverdale Consultants was established in 2011 and is a pioneer in experiential & inductive learning, and a for erunner in organizational development. Our passion for constant innovation, insight and excellence in the business & leadership space is completely driven by our purpose to bring about sustainable change, performance improvements and enhanced bottom line results in the business world. Our diverse and international team comprises of a global network of experienced consultants, trainers, and coaches. All Coverdale Consultants worldwide undergo an 18-month education to ensure the same quality, competence and skill set across the globe.

Primarily understanding the clients’ business purposes and the context, together we determine our client’s business aims and program results. Our innovative Coverdale Learning Company, Transformation Labs (HIOS), and Successful Collaboration in Agile Environment strainings serve as catalysts in doing so.

Dr. Hanspeter: Coverdale Consultants was established in
2011 and is a pioneer in experiential & inductive learning, and a forerunner in organizational development. Our passion for constant innovation, insight and excellence in the business & leadership space is completely driven by our purpose to bring about sustainable change, performance improvements and enhanced bottom line results in the business world. Our diverse and international team comprises of a global network of experienced consultants, trainers, and coaches. All Coverdale Consultants worldwide undergo an 18-month education to ensure the same quality, competence and skill set across the globe.

Primarily understanding the clients' business purposes and the context, together we determine our client's business aims and program results. Our innovative Coverdale Learning Company, Transformation Labs (HIOS), and Successful Collaboration in Agile Environment strainings serve as catalysts in doing so.

How has your company's journey been so far?
Dr.Hanspeter: The world of work is changing and with it the style of cooperation. We support organizations and leadership to successfully shape this change. Enabling people to succeed together is our motto here. For about 5-7 years, we have noticed a change in organizations ranging from commercial enterprises to NGOs, stemming from increasing uncertainty where more & more executives do not know where their business or market will root (automotive, energy market, food industry, and others) and the previous tools/samples for further development no longer apply. The increasing digitization and the situation of the pandemic have exacerbated this. The challenge for many managers is to lead themselves and their company through this phase of change/ transformation.

We think that any activity we perform for our clients should always be focused on their organization's purpose and larger strategic business goals

Creative Leadership is a quality attained through experience. While working a particular project a professional gets hurdles which can be crossed with regular approach, However, creative leadership differentiates that with fast and critical thinking and implementation. The results are generated by the collaboration of a team and not an individual.

Over the past few years, Coverdale Consultants has dealt intensively with what management teams or organizations need support in this regard. Our recent training programs have guided the leaders efficiently in managing the home office working conditions, building more agile structures with less hierarchy and increased empowerment that a new work culture needs. An Organizational Development Journey with MBIL is one of our revering projects, where by breaking down silos and developing a new culture, we have successfully helped the company to maintain the No.1 position in the market. Recently, we have been awarded the Gold EiP Award in Organizational Development by the European Foundation for Management Development for our contribution to 'Leading Transformation'.

Walk us through the diverse leadership development program solutions that you offer to clients.

Elvira: Our exclusive range of leadership programs for the corporate sector include Successful Collaboration in Teams, Cooperation & Leadership across Borders, Leading from the Home Office, Difficult Conversations & Negotiations, Conflict Management,
Building High Performance Teams, and Managing Change. The topics covered under these programs are Leading self and leading others, Developing values, Agility, Resilience, Delegation, Empowerment, Motivation, Conflict, Behavioral Change, Change and Transformation. In addition to these classic training courses, we work on our innovative frameworks such as the Coverdale Learning Company, Transformation Labs (HIOS), and Successful Collaboration in Agile Environments.

Dr.Hanspeter:All our programs & interventions are based on the actual needs of our clients. We don't offer ready-made inputs or solutions, but are committed to engage in a cooperation with the organizations and teams we work for, adjusting and focusing on what is alive at a given moment and using these dynamics as the foundation, we work as consultants and coaches. Curated with experienced learning our programs and trainings are customer-specific, process oriented, sustainable, and serve rightly to the client's mission and clearly agreed business goals. We have developed the entire solution together with the customer on an equal footing. Also, the content selection process is exclusively based on cutting edge research in the fields of organizational development, human behavior and collective intelligence (acquired from variegated industries & leaders).

What are the major challenges that your clients face?
Dr. Hanspeter:Challenges come unannounced.Currently, in this challenging COVID-19 times, clients are facing a multitude of challenges in terms of remote leadership, employee empowerment, and also in dealing with change & transformation both as individuals and organizations. They need to oversee everything keeping sane and maintaining stability in the environment. Hence, we have customized all our programs online. We guide them in overcoming these challenges incorporating HOTS (higher order thinking skills) and assimilating a bouquet of trainings related to the business goals. Also, giving them a free hand to learn, acquire and adjust to the new change/ transformed work culture, we help them inculcate comprehensive skill sets that lead to steady growth and goal realization organically.

How do you stay updated with the industry trends?
Dr.Hanspeter: We are experiential trainers and believe in edifying ourselves with everything alive in the moment in the industry. Our transformation lab also serves as a knowledge sharing space where leaders from diverse industries come and share their insights and where collective knowledge gathering helps in formulation of perfect solutions. Our long-acquired 55 years' worth of experiences (including our trainers' proficiency) working with top global MNCs and clientele also lend us an upper hand in staying abreast of the industry & market demands.

Cast some light on your future plans.
Dr. Hanspeter: The change in key industries such as the automotive industry, brought down by digitization and the pandemic means a crisis for many companies at the moment. Whoever sees this as an opportunity and puts his culture of cooperation & leadership to the test increases theirs chance to emerge from it stronger.

Our foremost aim is to help companies realize this internationally. Secondly, we want to grow big in the Asia-Pacific consultants' market and presently India is our focus area in this process. Deepening our roots in the Indian region, here, we wish to see an Indian taking charge of the company as its CEO and leading Coverdale India (adding more employee head counts). It is a pure collab work to make society a better place by elevating global business and economy.

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