Dr. Mani Pavitra: An Orthodontist Trying To Empower Women & Families About Personal Finance Management | CEOInsights Vendor
Dr. Mani Pavitra: An Orthodontist Trying To Empower Women & Families About Personal Finance Management

Dr. Mani Pavitra: An Orthodontist Trying To Empower Women & Families About Personal Finance Management

Dr. Mani Pavitra,Founder

Dr. Mani Pavitra


Corporate leaders must think and act differently than the common individual; Business is a spiritual pursuit where the focus should be on enhancing the quality of life of employees and the people we serve. Becoming a great leader requires a great deal of self-sacrifice, rigorous training, and a dedication to excellence. CEO Insights interviewed Dr. Mani Pavitra, the Founder of Fortune Academy, wherein she enlightened about the factors that motivated her to be an entrepreneur.

Tell us the major facets & achievements about your professional journey so far.
By educational background I am a doctor, have completed my degree in orthodontist securing a gold medal. In my professional journey so far I have established a couple of enterprises and have headed few others, recently I have launched an investment educational organization called Fortune Academy. Besides I also own Million Moms, a social enterprise and I am the Director Poorna Convention Centre and have also partnered with B Hub & Sanctum.

The Founder, of a company, undertakes various roles such as a leader, visionary, decision-maker, manager, board developer and others. What different roles have you been undertaking at Fortune Academy?
At Fortune Academy, I work on vision and strategizing for the company. I head the sales and marketing of the company and have been able to create a great impact. Fortune Academy was born out of my experience of running my social enterprise, while I was working at Million Moms I realized a fact that most of the women are not aware of the finances and are completely reliant on their husband or any other member of their family.

Though at an early age right from the time I was receiving my stipend I started saving, After marriage the
deep rooted conditioning that most women have in India that husband will take care of finances took me over. I recognized that I have not been mindful about where the family is going other than saving a portion of my finances. We as a family had a massive wakeup call when the brokerage house with which our entire fund that my husband had invested shut shop. Because women are always taught to serve others since their childhood and give finance much importance, and key financial decisions are always left on the men.

I am fortunate enough to be the only woman from our country to share the stage along with Kim Kiyosaki & Mary BUffett

After realizing this factor I started educating myself instead of blaming anyone. In this process, I apprehended that there are a lot of women out there just like me and that is when Fortune Academy was launched. We started our organization focusing more on helping women but we were shocked looking at the after results we had when we announced our first seminar 98 percent of the crowd were men and only 2 percent of women were present along with their husbands.

Looking at the response we received there was a need to shift the entire business model from woman-centric to family-centric. So, I feel when we set up a business with certain plans most of the time several developments take place due to which there will be a drastic change in the way of doing business, but for me, all my entrepreneurial ventures are based out of the needs that exist in the market that I learn while interacting with people at ground level and I come up with an idea that can fill in the gaps originated in respective fields.

What are the key drivers that you deploy to ensure that the company’s operations are used appropriately to meet its short/long-term needs?
The most important shift I implemented at Fortune Academy is digital transformation. There are hundreds of concepts running in the market, but I emphasize on simplifying financial concepts rather than complicated it. we try to understand basic financial
challenges the clients are facing in their day-to-day life and educate them and ensure that they become financially free. We have automated most of the setups and in the process of making people aware we use different tools that can help people easily understand their finances.

In your professional journey so far, which are the milestones that bestowed you utmost satisfaction - both as an individual and as a founder?
The major satisfaction for me is to reach around 12 lakh people through the digital space and educate them about the finances, and we achieved this target while the pandemic was going on. Through our effective strategies and various tools we are able to create worthy results, for example, close to 80 percent of our graduates are able to generate decent money consistently.

Please mention about the awards and recognition you have received in your journey to date.
I am fortunate enough to be the only woman from our country to share the stage along with Kim Kiyosaki & Mary Buffett the top women financial speakers across the world. Also, I have won a couple of prominent awards such as the Lion Centennial Award as a Woman Inspirer and also, was facilitated with Youth Icon Award 2020.Distinguished orthodontist 2021.

Tell us about your company’s recent revenue growth and future roadmap.
The revenue growth has been five times in the last three months, and for the upcoming days we have planned out a few elements like we are looking forward to shifting into an app-based business model. And I foresee that the potential our business has is mind-blowing and henceforth we have decided to cater a minimum of 1000 clients per week in the upcoming months.

Dr. Mani Pavitra, Founder, Fortune Academy
As an award winning & acclaimed speaker and mentor Dr. Mani Pavitra has travelled across the globe, learning from the best in the world. She has launched multiple organizations such as Fortune Academy an investment education organization and million moms a social enterprise. Dr. Mani Pavitra was recently recognized with youth Icon award 2020. she is obsessed with helping families lead a holistically successful life.

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