Jaymeen Thakkar
Founded in 2003, J D Merchandise is one such prominent Ahmedabad-based company that lays its expertise in the export, sourcing, and marketing of cotton products and textiles. J D Merchandise has been dealing in Cotton Fibers, Cotton Waste, Cotton Yarn, Cotton Knitted Fabrics, and Cottonseed derivatives for two decades and takes pride in offering a rich assortment of products that can be broadly classified into textiles and agrifocused merchandise. J D Merchandise is efficiently spearheaded by Jaymeen Thakkar & his bother Malay Thakkar as directors, who are the driving force behind the success of the company.
In an exclusive interview with CEO Insights magazine, Jaymeen, a competent business leader who has earned success in the textile industry through years of expertise and strong perseverance articulates the nuances of his professional journey and the distinct aspects of the company.
How would you define JD Merchandise as an organization
and its position in the market? What inspired you to establish JD Merchandise?
The story of J D merchandise began two decades ago. This was when two brothers started a business of sourcing & marketing in cotton verticals through their proprietor firms JD & Company and Malay Canvassing. This gave birth to the present JD Merchandise.
We come from a legacy of Business, where we well understand the core of commitment of service in Trade & Commerce. Our presence in the vertical of the cotton trade as fiber, yarn & fabrics leads to a better overview of the quality and shipping in each domain. Our work culture places us well to work as channel partners & long term associates contributing to our continued growth story.
Reflect on some of the major challenges you have experienced in your journey so far? How did you overcome them and what did you learn from them?
In 2017, at a time when we were growing and expanding at a rapid pace, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to immediately hand over all of my business to my brother Malay and take a long leave of absence for treatment. Since our business operation systems were well organized along with proficient and stable human resources in place, the period went smoothly. However later on we had to close some verticals as my health was taking more time to recover. Thereafter, we worked more structured with stronger backup, which aided us during the COVID lockdown as well which was also detrimental to business.
The key takeaways include 'being well organized and backed by human resources works, but one must also be prepared to be tested as an entrepreneur at any time'.
The story of J D merchandise began two decades ago. This was when two brothers started a business of sourcing & marketing in cotton verticals through their proprietor firms JD & Company and Malay Canvassing. This gave birth to the present JD Merchandise.
Being well organized and backed by human resources works, but one must also be prepared to be tested as an entrepreneur at any time
We come from a legacy of Business, where we well understand the core of commitment of service in Trade & Commerce. Our presence in the vertical of the cotton trade as fiber, yarn & fabrics leads to a better overview of the quality and shipping in each domain. Our work culture places us well to work as channel partners & long term associates contributing to our continued growth story.
Reflect on some of the major challenges you have experienced in your journey so far? How did you overcome them and what did you learn from them?
In 2017, at a time when we were growing and expanding at a rapid pace, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to immediately hand over all of my business to my brother Malay and take a long leave of absence for treatment. Since our business operation systems were well organized along with proficient and stable human resources in place, the period went smoothly. However later on we had to close some verticals as my health was taking more time to recover. Thereafter, we worked more structured with stronger backup, which aided us during the COVID lockdown as well which was also detrimental to business.
The key takeaways include 'being well organized and backed by human resources works, but one must also be prepared to be tested as an entrepreneur at any time'.
As the breeding ground of your company, how has been Ahmedabad favoring you so far in your operations
Ahmedabad is the business capital of Gujarat and has been a textile center for centuries. Gujarat state being one of the largest cotton growing states & mushrooming new cotton spinning mills, served us with great business opportunities. Being located between cotton geography and the necessary technical human resources in Ahmedabad, as well as an established ecosystem, has contributed to our growth and expansion.
Going forward, what are the changes in market behavior that you anticipate, and what are the opportunities that you foresee?
The online retail sector has already significantly altered textile market behavior to a great extent & such transitions will continue as technologies evolve. Our willingness and propensity to embrace and respond to changes in market behavior creates both challenges and opportunities for us.

In the light of your strong experience, what advice would you give to the budding entrepreneurs in the same industry?
Honesty & commitment to deliver even during uncertainties are very important to retain business & customers in such competitive industries.
Jaymeen Thakkar, Director, J D Merchandise
Jaymeen is an exemplary business leader who has achieved success in the textile industry through years of experience and strong perseverance. He is an entrepreneur by legacy,a cancer survivor, a workaholic, and a curious learner who keeps his mind, body, and soul in sync to be a better version.
•Hobbies: Reading, Rifle Shooting & Badminton.
•Favorite Cuisine: Italian & Mexican
•Favorite Book:I am Another You by Priya Kumar
•Favorite Travel Destination: Mauritius.
Ahmedabad is the business capital of Gujarat and has been a textile center for centuries. Gujarat state being one of the largest cotton growing states & mushrooming new cotton spinning mills, served us with great business opportunities. Being located between cotton geography and the necessary technical human resources in Ahmedabad, as well as an established ecosystem, has contributed to our growth and expansion.
Going forward, what are the changes in market behavior that you anticipate, and what are the opportunities that you foresee?
The online retail sector has already significantly altered textile market behavior to a great extent & such transitions will continue as technologies evolve. Our willingness and propensity to embrace and respond to changes in market behavior creates both challenges and opportunities for us.

In the light of your strong experience, what advice would you give to the budding entrepreneurs in the same industry?
Honesty & commitment to deliver even during uncertainties are very important to retain business & customers in such competitive industries.
Jaymeen Thakkar, Director, J D Merchandise
Jaymeen is an exemplary business leader who has achieved success in the textile industry through years of experience and strong perseverance. He is an entrepreneur by legacy,a cancer survivor, a workaholic, and a curious learner who keeps his mind, body, and soul in sync to be a better version.
•Hobbies: Reading, Rifle Shooting & Badminton.
•Favorite Cuisine: Italian & Mexican
•Favorite Book:I am Another You by Priya Kumar
•Favorite Travel Destination: Mauritius.