Mohammad Ali Kalloo Khan: A Proficient Industry Leader Enriching The Abudhabi Health & Wellness Landscape

Mohammad Ali Kalloo Khan
Managing Director
Mohammad Ali Kalloo Khan holds a Master’s in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and has also completed MBA from Madurai Kamraj University. Additionally he has acquired multiple certifications such as Certified Human Resource Consultant by American Certification Institute, Certification in Oil & Gas Talent Management by CIPD UK; Train the Trainer Certification - Career Power for Coaches by the Career System International, Australia; ISO 29990:2010 Lead Auditor Certification from DeuZert Germany. He is also conversant with international and local standards as applicable to the energy industry, education & training, and the healthcare sector. Being born and brought up in beautiful India region, he has lived most of his life in lovely Abu-Dhabi, and has travelled to many interesting places across the world (in the East across Japan, and in the west across Canada and the US). Let’s get to know more about him through the exclusive interview snippets performed by the CEO INSIGHTS team.
What was your motivation to get into this business?
Education and healthcare are most important for everyone, everyday happiness, and empowerment. Most of my life was spent in Training and Education. We are now doing our little bit towards Better Health in alignment with the Department of Health, AbuDhabi Vision. We have a different approach though i.e., our doctors not only just consult and prescribe treatments or medicines, but try to help them find the root cause of their ailments and guide them on how to take better care of their health. Our main focus is on TCAM i.e. Traditional Complementary and Alternative
medicine i.e. Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Unani, and Natural Herbal treatments.
Give a brief account about your educational & professional journey.
First, I remain grateful forever to the Educational & Research Institutions in India, including the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and Bhaba Atomic Research Center Mumbai, which provided a solid foundation for my continued success. I was also fortunate for getting opportunities to work at highly reputed and leading institutions e.g. Department of Atomic Energy, India, SWCC Saudi Arabia, WSD Bahrain, Higher Colleges of Technology, ADNOC Group, and Nawah Energy Company in Abu Dhabi. These are all in different sectors, but had some aspects common to all e.g., strong focus on continuous learning & development, multicultural and multinational work environment, strong sense of work ethics and discipline, and high respect for regulatory framework. I learnt a lot from visionary and inspirational leaders at every institution, and did equally best to return the gratitude by teaching and developing the younger generation at these institutions. During my professional career, I was highly respected as a turn-around manager, converting cost centres to profit centres. Upon retiring from ADNOC Group and Nawah, today at the age of 60+, I am actively managing my Investments and Business i.e. House of Nature, Natural Care Center at Abu-Dhabi. However, at core, I still remain a Talent Development Professional which has been my profession and passion both.
What has been your success mantra so far?
I adhere to two basic rules in my life, first, ‘Be worth the salt you take from any one’, i.e. strive to return value to the stakeholders and clients to whom you serve. Second, ‘Knowledge is Power’, i.e., continuously learn and develop yourself, and also develop and enable those around you as well.
How would you define House of Nature Medical Center as a premier holistic alternative medicine and natural therapy center and its position in the Wellness and Fitness Services market?
Since start up in November 2017, we are trying our best to make a difference by creating an awareness to ‘Live Healthy, Heal Naturally’. Our emphasis is to treat not just the symptoms of sickness but to identify & eliminate the root cause of disease and to strengthen our natural capability to heal itself. Our approach is towards safe and effective, yet non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments.
What we put in our body and mind, and what we do with both, ultimately determine our health. Therefore, Diet, Nutrition, Life style Counselling, Naturopathy & Yoga, and Herbal Medicines &Ayurvedic Therapies are all important components of our wellness services.
Give a brief account about your educational & professional journey.
First, I remain grateful forever to the Educational & Research Institutions in India, including the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and Bhaba Atomic Research Center Mumbai, which provided a solid foundation for my continued success. I was also fortunate for getting opportunities to work at highly reputed and leading institutions e.g. Department of Atomic Energy, India, SWCC Saudi Arabia, WSD Bahrain, Higher Colleges of Technology, ADNOC Group, and Nawah Energy Company in Abu Dhabi. These are all in different sectors, but had some aspects common to all e.g., strong focus on continuous learning & development, multicultural and multinational work environment, strong sense of work ethics and discipline, and high respect for regulatory framework. I learnt a lot from visionary and inspirational leaders at every institution, and did equally best to return the gratitude by teaching and developing the younger generation at these institutions. During my professional career, I was highly respected as a turn-around manager, converting cost centres to profit centres. Upon retiring from ADNOC Group and Nawah, today at the age of 60+, I am actively managing my Investments and Business i.e. House of Nature, Natural Care Center at Abu-Dhabi. However, at core, I still remain a Talent Development Professional which has been my profession and passion both.
What we put in our body & mind, & what we do with both, ultimately determine our health
What has been your success mantra so far?
I adhere to two basic rules in my life, first, ‘Be worth the salt you take from any one’, i.e. strive to return value to the stakeholders and clients to whom you serve. Second, ‘Knowledge is Power’, i.e., continuously learn and develop yourself, and also develop and enable those around you as well.
How would you define House of Nature Medical Center as a premier holistic alternative medicine and natural therapy center and its position in the Wellness and Fitness Services market?
Since start up in November 2017, we are trying our best to make a difference by creating an awareness to ‘Live Healthy, Heal Naturally’. Our emphasis is to treat not just the symptoms of sickness but to identify & eliminate the root cause of disease and to strengthen our natural capability to heal itself. Our approach is towards safe and effective, yet non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments.
What we put in our body and mind, and what we do with both, ultimately determine our health. Therefore, Diet, Nutrition, Life style Counselling, Naturopathy & Yoga, and Herbal Medicines &Ayurvedic Therapies are all important components of our wellness services.
How have you shaped the culture of the team? What are the factors you take into account when developing long-term business goals?
We inculcate core values among our staff, which we call in short as ‘ATSERVICE’ (Attitude, Team Work, Safety, Excellence, Respect, Value, Integrity, Compassion, and Empowerment).
In terms of developing long-term business goals, I would mention three most important factors to prioritize,i.e. R,R,andR meaning Regulation, Reputation, and Revenue. Obviously, it is critical to understand and follow the Regulations, necessary to build and maintain a solid Reputation, and important to create value streams or revenue.
Where do you see yourself headed towards the upcoming years? What is your future roadmap?
We aspire to be a leading holistic healing centre in the region, trusted by our clients and proudly referred by them to others. Therefore, we are competing with no one, except ourselves i.e., we want to be better tomorrow than today.
Any advice to budding leaders in this industry?
Future outlook appears to be quite promising for preventive healthcare, holistic healing and wellness, so focus on these heads- a). Leadership: Be authentic and preach what you practice, b).People Strategy: Take care of your employees, the customers will grow; and c).Business Strategy: Establish as a good company, good business will follow.
Mohammad Ali Kalloo Khan, Managing Director, House of Nature Medical Center:
With Master’s in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and completed MBA from Madurai Kamraj University, Ali is an astute professional in human capital strategy and organization capability development with sound knowledge of different industry sectors including oil & gas, petrochemicals, power & water, manufacturing, food & environmental control, nuclear energy, and healthcare. In Abu-Dhabi he is also licensed as a freelance HR consultant. Additionally, he holds international certifications and accomplishments in people development and assessment, competency modelling, learning, development & talent management, knowledge transfer, teaching, training, leadership and executive coaching.
Hobbies:Chess, Table Tennis, and Investment Management(stocks)
Favorite Cuisine:Indian & Arabic
Favorite Book:Power of Positive Thinking
Favorite Travel Destination: Returning my home at Al-Reem Island in Abu-Dhabi from wherever I go for whatever reason.
Awards & Recognition:
Special Act Award by His Excellency, The Minister of Works Power & Water, Bahrain Long Service Award by the Chancellor of Higher Colleges of Technology & The Minister of Higher Education UAE Long Service Award by the General Manager ZADCO(ADNOC Offshore), with an Oustanding or Exceeding Performance record throughout
We inculcate core values among our staff, which we call in short as ‘ATSERVICE’ (Attitude, Team Work, Safety, Excellence, Respect, Value, Integrity, Compassion, and Empowerment).
In terms of developing long-term business goals, I would mention three most important factors to prioritize,i.e. R,R,andR meaning Regulation, Reputation, and Revenue. Obviously, it is critical to understand and follow the Regulations, necessary to build and maintain a solid Reputation, and important to create value streams or revenue.
Where do you see yourself headed towards the upcoming years? What is your future roadmap?
We aspire to be a leading holistic healing centre in the region, trusted by our clients and proudly referred by them to others. Therefore, we are competing with no one, except ourselves i.e., we want to be better tomorrow than today.
Any advice to budding leaders in this industry?
Future outlook appears to be quite promising for preventive healthcare, holistic healing and wellness, so focus on these heads- a). Leadership: Be authentic and preach what you practice, b).People Strategy: Take care of your employees, the customers will grow; and c).Business Strategy: Establish as a good company, good business will follow.
Mohammad Ali Kalloo Khan, Managing Director, House of Nature Medical Center:
With Master’s in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and completed MBA from Madurai Kamraj University, Ali is an astute professional in human capital strategy and organization capability development with sound knowledge of different industry sectors including oil & gas, petrochemicals, power & water, manufacturing, food & environmental control, nuclear energy, and healthcare. In Abu-Dhabi he is also licensed as a freelance HR consultant. Additionally, he holds international certifications and accomplishments in people development and assessment, competency modelling, learning, development & talent management, knowledge transfer, teaching, training, leadership and executive coaching.
Hobbies:Chess, Table Tennis, and Investment Management(stocks)
Favorite Cuisine:Indian & Arabic
Favorite Book:Power of Positive Thinking
Favorite Travel Destination: Returning my home at Al-Reem Island in Abu-Dhabi from wherever I go for whatever reason.
Awards & Recognition:
Special Act Award by His Excellency, The Minister of Works Power & Water, Bahrain Long Service Award by the Chancellor of Higher Colleges of Technology & The Minister of Higher Education UAE Long Service Award by the General Manager ZADCO(ADNOC Offshore), with an Oustanding or Exceeding Performance record throughout