Puranam Pradeep Picasso: Striving Towards Karma Pluss' Concept Of Reduce, Reuse And Recycle Your Carbon Footprint

Puranam Pradeep Picasso
Puranam Pradeep Picasso is inclined to work with all the teams from full-stack development to product design. He glues them together envisioning Karma Pluss’s vision of staying, eating, and living healthy. Moreover, his decisions for operations and innovations important to the growth of his team and successful project completion are amazing. CEO Insights magazine is glad to interview him on his professional days and how he is leading Karma Pluss.
Tell us about your major facets & achievements.
From last seven years, I have been immersing myself in multiple domains. In fact, I was a jack of all trades in my initial days. Then I eventually realized I need to master one. The only thing I had in my mind back then was to make my ideas a reality by becoming an entrepreneur. I had an unstoppable urge to make the world a better place. With such thoughts, I picked the education domain and started my own start-up exclusively for students. Entrepreneur-ship was a remote profession for me as none of my family members were into it. Finding my own path, travelling alone, understanding people, and processing how the world works definitely seeped immense learning.
But it was tough in the beginning considering the fact that I was an autistic child. Having my own company required several
interactions, speaking in large crowds as a whole were major adjustment to my personality. I came across many of my pro-fessional and personal barriers when I was able to speak in front of 2000 people.
What different roles have you been under-taking at Karma Pluss? Also, how did you manage to achieve the success that you had in the later phase?
When working on new things, it is necessary to convey vision with full potential, which I learned at an early phase. At Karma Pluss, we began with four people – One Inventor, One Investor, and Two Directors. It helped us communicate better while working on smaller teams.
The teams include development team, design team, PR team and operations team, where every individual team are responsible for their own work. As the co-founder, with motivation of ‘To do some-thing new and not worrying to fail’, now I lead a 20+ people team in design and decision making in operations and innovations.
It might seem a challenge but my focus helps me to break the Challenge down into doable and complete. The flexible approach makes it quite easier.
What were the initial challenges that taught you the basic lessons of managing diversified functions of organizations? Also, how did you manage to achieve the success that you had in later phase. Please explain your USP.
It is a unique application, also the first ever app to give fruitful ways of impacting the environment. People can finally be the change that they always wanted to see but when the question arises how we are doing this my answer will be “it’s very simple”. We apply the concepts reducing, reusing, and recycling. We are serving people with a reasoned solution which includes tasks or challenges that improves lifestyle a little every day for the betterment of the environment. I feel that the recycle market, karma points, and
What different roles have you been under-taking at Karma Pluss? Also, how did you manage to achieve the success that you had in the later phase?
When working on new things, it is necessary to convey vision with full potential, which I learned at an early phase. At Karma Pluss, we began with four people – One Inventor, One Investor, and Two Directors. It helped us communicate better while working on smaller teams.
People can finally be the change that they always wanted to see but when the question arises how we are doing this my answer will be “it’s very simple”
The teams include development team, design team, PR team and operations team, where every individual team are responsible for their own work. As the co-founder, with motivation of ‘To do some-thing new and not worrying to fail’, now I lead a 20+ people team in design and decision making in operations and innovations.
It might seem a challenge but my focus helps me to break the Challenge down into doable and complete. The flexible approach makes it quite easier.
What were the initial challenges that taught you the basic lessons of managing diversified functions of organizations? Also, how did you manage to achieve the success that you had in later phase. Please explain your USP.
It is a unique application, also the first ever app to give fruitful ways of impacting the environment. People can finally be the change that they always wanted to see but when the question arises how we are doing this my answer will be “it’s very simple”. We apply the concepts reducing, reusing, and recycling. We are serving people with a reasoned solution which includes tasks or challenges that improves lifestyle a little every day for the betterment of the environment. I feel that the recycle market, karma points, and
other features give us an edge above anyone who falls in our category.
As it is a gamified app based on the points and contribution to the environment through various features in the application, a user earns Karma points. It is a user friendly app and the challenges are the heart of the application, but in addition we have recycle store, karma boost, points which are helping us to build a global community.
Along with these it provides features like sup-porting your favourite leader to get them on the leadership board and mood calculator. I can’t wait for the app to launch so you all can explore these services. Testing, feedback, and improvising go hand in hand. I believe that feedback from the team and users will help us improve constantly till we reach ‘perfection.’
Tell us about your company’s recent revenue growth and future roadmap.
There is something interesting coming. I cannot re-veal more because it is still in process, I would love to keep the surprise factor alive. What I can tell you is that it incorporates a great blend of AI and AR. It can contribute at a great level. So if the coming few months allow us to bring it all together you will see another amazing innovation from our team.
KarmaPluss is very young right now. We are progressing steadily. I am happy that people saw the same worth which i saw. Currently, the project is funded with 1.2 million dollars which helps in the entire functioning. We are hopeful and confident that we will be able to reach the 10 million dollar mark as it steps into the market and more people experience it themselves.
The potential for this market is $56 Billion Dollars with more than 6% CAGR. The global market is huge and we are looking to have first and fast mover advantage in this sector.
Puranam Pradeep Picasso, Co-Founder, Karma Pluss:
A certified Scrum Master, Lean Six Sigma Certified, professional life coach, and quality management, Certified for Google AdSense, Full-stack Developer and gained ample experience in SEO predominantly at digital marketing and turned his learning into achievements. He states that ‘Microsoft certification is something that really elevated my technical understandings’.
As it is a gamified app based on the points and contribution to the environment through various features in the application, a user earns Karma points. It is a user friendly app and the challenges are the heart of the application, but in addition we have recycle store, karma boost, points which are helping us to build a global community.
Along with these it provides features like sup-porting your favourite leader to get them on the leadership board and mood calculator. I can’t wait for the app to launch so you all can explore these services. Testing, feedback, and improvising go hand in hand. I believe that feedback from the team and users will help us improve constantly till we reach ‘perfection.’
Tell us about your company’s recent revenue growth and future roadmap.
There is something interesting coming. I cannot re-veal more because it is still in process, I would love to keep the surprise factor alive. What I can tell you is that it incorporates a great blend of AI and AR. It can contribute at a great level. So if the coming few months allow us to bring it all together you will see another amazing innovation from our team.
KarmaPluss is very young right now. We are progressing steadily. I am happy that people saw the same worth which i saw. Currently, the project is funded with 1.2 million dollars which helps in the entire functioning. We are hopeful and confident that we will be able to reach the 10 million dollar mark as it steps into the market and more people experience it themselves.
The potential for this market is $56 Billion Dollars with more than 6% CAGR. The global market is huge and we are looking to have first and fast mover advantage in this sector.
Puranam Pradeep Picasso, Co-Founder, Karma Pluss:
A certified Scrum Master, Lean Six Sigma Certified, professional life coach, and quality management, Certified for Google AdSense, Full-stack Developer and gained ample experience in SEO predominantly at digital marketing and turned his learning into achievements. He states that ‘Microsoft certification is something that really elevated my technical understandings’.