Quad Digital Services: Helping Businesses Reimagine Their Marketing Function As A Profit And Performance Centre

Gunjan Trivedi
Chief Executive Officer
Describing his more than 18 years of experience panning across journalism, business consulting, and digital marketing, Gunjan Trivedi engages in an exclusive interaction with CEO Insights.
What is your company’s unique selling proposition that differentiates you from similar other players in the market?
Working together in an interlocked piece, we at marketing are a very crucial part of this entire digital transformation journey that most organizations are trying to embark on. While amplifying the organizational ethos, its quality, and differentiation to the outside world, a marketing function also brings back relevant insights and intelligence about consumers, consumption, competition, and partners. Thereby, influencing the 3 R’s of an organization – Revenue, Response, and Relationships. Hence, when our customers approach us, we ensure that we completely and unabashedly focus only on their business objectives.
We’ve built our organization to address marketing with a ‘business-first’ approach. At the bedrock of this approach is a concept – Finish-to-Start – that we are insanely focused on. We determine our client's end-objectives first. We decipher the competitive landscape to articulate data- driven strategies & benchmarks, and then work backward from the goalpost to articulate right and relevant marketing strategies to execute and deliver the required results.
Our horizontal strategic understanding of how to leverage digital marketing to address business objectives and our
vertically deep expertise across each of the four key building blocks – Content, Search, Social, and Data – enable us put together a hyper-personalized recipe for marketing success for our customers.
How are you constantly refining your programs to help your customers? Are there any innovative techniques or practices that we might see in the future from you?
Early on, we had realized that we were approaching the marketing funnel all wrong. We believe the traditional buying journey, as prescribed by the 20th century’s famous Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) model of marketing communications, is essentially dead, especially in the digital era.
We needed a new model to reflect a wide spectrum of consumer need stages with no clearly demarcated boundaries. Accounting for the free will and the digital research behaviour of today’s consumers, my co-founders and I came up with a newer, digitally-native approach that we call as the ARC model – Attract, Retain, and Convert. It factors two distinct kinds of consumer interactions across all digital channels – Conversational, which addresses the search intent of a consumer, edging onto decision-making, and Transactional, where the decision intent elevates into the buying intent and the consumer makes the purchase.
These three need-stages of search, decision, and buying intents are mapped to three business actions: Be Found (Attract), Engage (Retain), and Act (Convert). All our digital marketing activities are focused on our ARC model, ensuring a consistent and fruitful consumer journey, irrespective of the channel and stage.
Kindly throw some light on your array of services with key emphasis on your flagship offering.
Increasingly, companies are adopting digital marketing initiatives to generate demand. However, we have found that largely such efforts are still a tad skewed toward branding and creative exercises without closing the whole loop of business-alignment, resulting in little tangible ROI. At Quadigy, we understand this business conundrum. Hence, we have crafted our full spectrum of digital marketing services – from strategy and intelligence, to content and design development, to SEO/SEM, to social media, and to marketing technologies, across four key aspects:
How are you constantly refining your programs to help your customers? Are there any innovative techniques or practices that we might see in the future from you?
Early on, we had realized that we were approaching the marketing funnel all wrong. We believe the traditional buying journey, as prescribed by the 20th century’s famous Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) model of marketing communications, is essentially dead, especially in the digital era.
Even if we are a small company just starting out, we need to move into technology investments upfront and try to digitize as much as our processes that we can
We needed a new model to reflect a wide spectrum of consumer need stages with no clearly demarcated boundaries. Accounting for the free will and the digital research behaviour of today’s consumers, my co-founders and I came up with a newer, digitally-native approach that we call as the ARC model – Attract, Retain, and Convert. It factors two distinct kinds of consumer interactions across all digital channels – Conversational, which addresses the search intent of a consumer, edging onto decision-making, and Transactional, where the decision intent elevates into the buying intent and the consumer makes the purchase.
These three need-stages of search, decision, and buying intents are mapped to three business actions: Be Found (Attract), Engage (Retain), and Act (Convert). All our digital marketing activities are focused on our ARC model, ensuring a consistent and fruitful consumer journey, irrespective of the channel and stage.
Kindly throw some light on your array of services with key emphasis on your flagship offering.
Increasingly, companies are adopting digital marketing initiatives to generate demand. However, we have found that largely such efforts are still a tad skewed toward branding and creative exercises without closing the whole loop of business-alignment, resulting in little tangible ROI. At Quadigy, we understand this business conundrum. Hence, we have crafted our full spectrum of digital marketing services – from strategy and intelligence, to content and design development, to SEO/SEM, to social media, and to marketing technologies, across four key aspects:
1. We measure content & creatives by our customer's business-metrics. Our creatives and content are not just for "show." They are designed to successfully attract traffic, encourage conversion, and result in relevant leads.
2. We have ample client-side experience. We empathize with the concerns of our consumers. Hence, our marketing perspectives aren't limited to an agency outlook.
3. We are never a burden on our clients for marketing & thought-leadership content. We spend quality time to understand our customers' vision, sales strategy, and their domain to become self-reliant in helping develop marketing collaterals and thought-leadership showcase content.
4. We are modular. We work as a fully-outsourced marketing department or support our clients on specifics – such as brand amplification, website management, content production engine, social media management, or marketing automation with equal ease.
Tell us about the future roadmap of Quadigy.
With over three years in operation, scores of complex projects, and several marquee clients, we find ourselves at the cusp of rapid scale. Our existing processes, that have been built over time responding to the market needs, may not suffice. Hence, we are working on the next-level of process enhancement and efficiency upgradation at Quadigy. We are pretty clear that if we are suggesting digitalization to others, we need to adopt it ourselves. Hence, we have ensured that even if we are a small company just starting out, we need to move into technology investments upfront and try to digitize as much of our internal processes as we can, to build a robust and scalable service model that empowers us to offer better brand articulation & awareness, lower cost per lead, and higher incremental revenues to our clients, resulting in tangible ROI on their marketing investments.
Gunjan Trivedi, CEO, Quad Digital Services
Gunjan is an experienced content strategist, specialist in omnichannel digital marketing and communications, and is an award-winning journalist. A former global CMO of a research firm, Gunjan specializes in leveraging channels to effectively communicate and achieve the desired business outcomes. Coming in from the field of codes, wires and pre-sales consulting, Gunjan went on to earn India’s highest honor for IT & business media-the PoleStar Award for Excellence in Journalism in IT. Gunjan holds a Certificate in Digital Marketing from Columbia Business School, USA and has a bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Madurai Kamaraj University. He is also a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).
2. We have ample client-side experience. We empathize with the concerns of our consumers. Hence, our marketing perspectives aren't limited to an agency outlook.
3. We are never a burden on our clients for marketing & thought-leadership content. We spend quality time to understand our customers' vision, sales strategy, and their domain to become self-reliant in helping develop marketing collaterals and thought-leadership showcase content.
4. We are modular. We work as a fully-outsourced marketing department or support our clients on specifics – such as brand amplification, website management, content production engine, social media management, or marketing automation with equal ease.
Tell us about the future roadmap of Quadigy.
With over three years in operation, scores of complex projects, and several marquee clients, we find ourselves at the cusp of rapid scale. Our existing processes, that have been built over time responding to the market needs, may not suffice. Hence, we are working on the next-level of process enhancement and efficiency upgradation at Quadigy. We are pretty clear that if we are suggesting digitalization to others, we need to adopt it ourselves. Hence, we have ensured that even if we are a small company just starting out, we need to move into technology investments upfront and try to digitize as much of our internal processes as we can, to build a robust and scalable service model that empowers us to offer better brand articulation & awareness, lower cost per lead, and higher incremental revenues to our clients, resulting in tangible ROI on their marketing investments.
Gunjan Trivedi, CEO, Quad Digital Services
Gunjan is an experienced content strategist, specialist in omnichannel digital marketing and communications, and is an award-winning journalist. A former global CMO of a research firm, Gunjan specializes in leveraging channels to effectively communicate and achieve the desired business outcomes. Coming in from the field of codes, wires and pre-sales consulting, Gunjan went on to earn India’s highest honor for IT & business media-the PoleStar Award for Excellence in Journalism in IT. Gunjan holds a Certificate in Digital Marketing from Columbia Business School, USA and has a bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Madurai Kamaraj University. He is also a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).