Ranjeet Banerjee: Delivering Intelligent Solutions To Transform The Value Chain For The Life Sciences Industry | CEOInsights Vendor
Ranjeet Banerjee: Delivering Intelligent Solutions To Transform The Value Chain For The Life Sciences Industry

Ranjeet Banerjee: Delivering Intelligent Solutions To Transform The Value Chain For The Life Sciences Industry

Ranjeet Banerjee,  Chief Executive Officer

Ranjeet Banerjee

Chief Executive Officer

Delivery of thermal-sensitive products like biologics, cell & gene therapy drugs, vaccines, and anti-cancer drugs, to name a few, requires due care while transportation. With over five decades of experience in the cold chain industry, Cold Chain Technologies (CCT) is an ISO 9001:2015 certified global leader in the development and delivery of cost-effective insulated thermal packaging solutions for Life Sciences. Under the leadership of Ranjeet Banerjee, the company is partnering with leading global companies to deliver their critical pharmaceutical and biomedical products for the life science industry with safety and efficacy. The company played a pivotal role in supporting the safe and effective distribution of the Covid mRNA vaccines.

Ranjeet Banerjee completed his Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He started his professional career with Unilever and worked there for almost nine years in various management positions. After that, he joined Becton Dickinson, another Fortune 500 global medical device manufacturing company headquartered in New Jersey, and worked there for over two decades. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer of Cold Chain Technologies and with his demonstrated leadership experience in the healthcare industry, he has brought various laurels to the company. Ranjeet Banerjee engages in an exclusive interaction with CEO Insights, let’s hear from him.

Could you tell me about the unique experiences IIT Kanpur offers? What did you learn from the campus beyond academics?
At IIT Kanpur, I had a great set of classmates who are smart, intellectually agile, caring, and a lot of fun! During my years at IITK, I learned the power of friendship and the power of learning together in a great intellectually stimulating environment. Our 'bulla' (discussions together in small teams) sessions were a great way
to build upon each other’s strengths and shape this very special bond we formed during our four years together.

Today, after so many years, that group of friends has stayed very close to each other, and we often meet up. So, beyond academics, it's the combination of camaraderie, intellectual learning, and brainstorming, as we continue to have fun and learn together even today.

Leaders set ambitious goals, think big, start small, scale fast

How would you define Cold Chain Technologies as an organization and its position in the market? What makes the company unique from other competitors in the sector?
CCT is focused on a very important area of life science which is ensuring that drugs, biopharmaceuticals, and vaccines are delivered safely from the manufacturer to the recipients/patients. We provide a wide area of products, services, and digital solutions to ensure that these life-saving drugs and vaccines are being transported safely and stay in the right conditions. We can also monitor and track them, and make sure that patient safety is not compromised. Also, along with our deep knowledge in material science and thermal engineering, CCT is bringing in our passion for sustainability, to make sure that our products are sustainable and yet high performing.

We are also using data analytics to make our packaging smarter by bringing intelligence into those solutions. It is helping us by providing early alerts if something is not going well and we have become the leader in using such applications.

Could you tell me about your leadership approach? What are the guidelines or methodologies you follow to lead your team?
My leadership approach involves creating a purpose-driven organization where we have a mission, and the team truly believes in what we are trying to do. The second aspect is creating a good work culture where people can engage and get connected with each other. I also focus on team diversity and make sure that we have the best talent. Along with that, I often push my team to innovate meaningfully, challenging the status quo, so that we can do something better for the planet, patients, and people.
Could you tell me about the major challenges you have experienced in your journey? What's your success mantra in your successful journey?
I think challenges are part and parcel of growth. This includes learning new things, at times outside your comfort zone, or through experiences outside the control of an individual or organization. Being externally focused and constantly learning are two of the mantras that help me in getting success. Always taking the 'outside-in' approach to know what is happening in the environment & the industry space and then connecting the dots to find out its implications and opportunities, coupling that with the core capabilities of a team and organization to create value. We have to be a learning organization so that people can learn and ask the most vital questions that will help them to convert challenges into opportunities.

What is the future destination you're heading toward for the next five years? What advice would you like to give to the upcoming leaders?
I am working in an exciting industry space where we are doing some innovative things to improve the whole value chain for Life Sciences. My own focus is on transforming cold chain management, driving innovation, and delivering assurance with patients, the planet, and people in mind. We are innovating to support the growth of new medications and provide easy access to these medications through our solutions, both physical and digital solutions.

My first advice is always to look beyond the business and figure out how we can find opportunities to transform the industry and make a positive contribution to society. Leaders must have ambitious goals: think big and then take baby steps that are small yet tangible, once they are successful, they scale them fast. The second piece of advice is that leaders must have the ability to convert challenges into opportunities.

Ranjeet Banerjee, Chief Executive Officer, Cold Chain Technologies
Experienced in leading global businesses, Ranjeet Banerjee is very passionate about finding solutions for the challenges that are impacting the healthcare system.

•Hobbies:Hiking, Exercising, and Music.
•Favorite Cuisine:Indian
•Favorite Book:Good to Great by Jim Collins
•Favorite Travel Destination:Nature Parks

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