Renu Gulraj: A Trailblazing Leader Challenging The Norms To Mark New Milestones | CEOInsights Vendor
Renu Gulraj: A Trailblazing Leader Challenging The Norms To Mark New Milestones

Renu Gulraj: A Trailblazing Leader Challenging The Norms To Mark New Milestones

Renu Gulraj,   Co-Founder & Chief Strategist

Renu Gulraj

Co-Founder & Chief Strategist

Today, women entrepreneurs are challenging norms, driving innovation, fostering diversity, and making a significant impact in the business world. Their leadership is reshaping industries, inspiring future generations, and creating a more inclusive and equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem. One such leader who is revolutionizing the entrepreneurial landscape with their bold and innovative leadership is Renu Gulraj, Co-Founder & Chief Strategist, Easy Source. CEO Insights recently got a chance to have a one-on-one interaction with Renu Gulraj, let’s hear from her.

Can you provide a brief overview of your professional background and experiences? What drives you in your daily work?
After completing my postgraduate degree in Management, I gained valuable experience in the Human Resources department at Zenith Computers, a technology products company. In 2005, I founded Easy Source, specializing in Manpower Outsourcing, and offering services such as Payroll Outsourcing, Managed Services, and PEO (Professional Employer Organizational) Services. My motivation stems from multiple sources. Firstly, I have an inherent drive to continuously learn and grow both personally and professionally. Secondly, the fulfillment of making a positive impact and contributing to a greater cause inspires me. Whether through small contributions or significant achievements, knowing that my work can benefit others drives me to perform at my best. Breaking down larger objectives into manageable steps gives me a sense of progress and fulfillment, further fueling my motivation. Lastly, I prioritize maintaining a healthy work life balance as an integral part of my work approach.

With a wealth of experience spanning three decades, could you elaborate on your journey to success and share your mantra for achieving it?
When it comes to my success mantra, I firmly believe in the power of adapt ability and embracing life long learning. In a world that is constantly evolving, those who can readily adapt, remain open to change and learn from both triumphs and setbacks often find
success. By cultivating a growth mindset and being flexible in my approach, I have effectively navigated challenges and seized emerging opportunities.

Ultimately, my path to success has been shaped by a combination of continuous learning, a strong work ethic, effective communication, and adaptability. These guiding principles have played a pivotal role in my career, leading to personal and professional accomplishments.

How do you characterize Easy Source as a company and where does it currently stand in the market?
Easy Source is a dynamic midsized organization that specializes in delivering tailor made Human Resources Solutions. We have effectively fostered an inclusive culture that combines the professionalism typically found in larger corporations with the agility and adaptability of a mid sized entity.

At present, Easy Source proudly serves over 300 clients across various regions, including India, APAC, America and Europe. Our extensive presence spans across 400+ physical locations within India, with our headquarters located in the Delhi NCR Region.

My path to success has been shaped by a combination of continuous learning, a strong work ethic, effective communication, & adaptability

Please provide details about your primary offerings and the value-added benefits customers can expect from them.
At Easy Source, we offer a comprehensive range of human resources solutions, which include Manpower Outsourcing, Payroll Outsourcing, Managed Services, and PEO (Professional Employer Organizational) Services. Our commitment to excellence has been recognized through multiple accolades, such as winning several Best Vendor Awards from both our clients and the industry.

Notably, Easy Source has also been honored with the prestigious Global HR Excellence ‘HR Outsourcing Star Award’ for three consecutive years, namely 2018, 2019, and 2021. We take great pride in the trust our clientele places in us, leading to repeated business engagements.

Can you elaborate on your leadership approach and describe the principles and strategies you employ to guide your team?
My leadership approach focuses on creating a collaborative and empowering environment where team members feel valued and motivated. I prioritize clear communication to ensure a shared understanding of goals and expectations. Leading by example, I demonstrate integrity, professionalism, and a strong work ethic. Empowering team members through delegation and providing guidance fosters autonomy and ownership. Collaboration and team building are important, embracing diversity and promoting camaraderie. Recognizing and celebrating achievements boosts morale. By adhering to these principles, I aim to create a high-performing team driven to achieve our collective goals.

What is the ultimate goal or direction you are working towards in the future?
At Easy Source, our ongoing commitment is to surpass customer expectations and consistently provide delightful experiences, as it is at the core of our business philosophy. Additionally, we have set a revenue target of 400 Crores by the year 2025, aiming to achieve significant growth and success in the coming years.

Given your extensive industry experience, what advice would you offer to aspiring leaders in the field?
Leadership is a continuous journey of growth and development, and incorporating certain principles can establish a strong foundation for success as an industry leader. Continuous learning is crucial, as it involves seeking knowledge and personal growth to stay ahead. Building a strong network is also important for guidance, support and potential collaborations. Embracing change and adaptability is essential in a constantly evolving business landscape, where leaders need to be flexible and seek innovative solutions. Effective communication skills foster an open and transparent culture, where active listening and a clear conveyance of ideas inspire and motivate teams. Leading with empathy and emotional intelligence creates a supportive and collaborative environment by considering the perspectives and needs of others. Leading by example as a role model and Cultivating a positive and inclusive culture celebrates diversity and inclusivity, encouraging the contribution of diverse perspectives and fostering a sense of belonging. By following these, aspiring leaders can pave their way to success and make a positive impact in their respective industries.

Renu Gulraj, Co-Founder & Chief Strategist, Easy Source
Post Graduate in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. Easy Source has been her brainchild and she is actively involved in all the strategic decisions.

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