Satwik Mishra: A Dedicated Leader Working Towards Social Betterment Of The Nation | CEOInsights Vendor
Satwik Mishra:  A Dedicated Leader Working Towards Social Betterment Of The Nation

Satwik Mishra: A Dedicated Leader Working Towards Social Betterment Of The Nation

Satwik Mishra,  Founder & CEO

Satwik Mishra

Founder & CEO

A true leader is someone who identifies a problem and sees an opportunity for change, often going against the grain to make a significant impact. Satwik upholds this spirit perfectly. Satwik Mishra, the founder of Motive8, has a journey that mirrors the paths of many successful entrepreneurs. Driven by a passion for making a difference, Satwik made the bold decision to transition from a typical corporate job to the development sector in 2015.

An engineering graduate from the prestigious Vellore Institute of Technology (Vellore), Satwik didn't stop at one degree and studied governance, rural development, and entrepreneurship through suc- cessive degree programs, equipping himself with the knowledge and skills to drive real change. His commitment to education and social betterment is evident. Through his journey, Satwik demonstrated that true entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business but about starting a movement.

Satwik worked as an advisor to parliamentarians Chirag Paswan and Sanjay Jaiswal and many beaurocrats. He received awards like National Youth Award 2016 (GOI), Aspirational District Fellowship 2020 (MHA, GOI), Young Innovator 2019 (CII India), Young Achiever 2017 (QCI), SBI YFI 2016, Blaze Energy Award 2014 (Schneider Electric)etc for his valuable contribution towards nation building.

In this interview, Satwik Mishra highlights his career journey, shares wisdom and inspires young entrepreneurs.

Could you share your professional background and experiences?

After completing my graduation, I started working in a core engineering job. After a year in the industry, I became quite disillusioned with the repetitive nature of the work. The engineering roles in India often involve routine tasks with little room for innovation, brainstorming or original thinking. This monotonous lifestyle left me feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

I decided to switch to the development sector and applied for the SBI Youth for India fellowship, which places individuals in rural areas to work closely with communities on development projects. I completed several rural development projects in rural corners of Odisha. This experience
was transformative for me; I found joy and a sense of purpose in seeing the tangible impact of my work on the community.

Following this, I joined another fellowship where I worked with a parliamentarian to help develop his constituency in Bihar, through various developmental inter- ventions. This further reinforced my passion for the development sector. Later, I participated in the Aspirational District fellowship under the Home Ministry (India), where I provided advisory support to the collector in Jharkhand, focusing on projects in health, nutrition, renewable energy, and more. This experience gave me a comprehensive understanding of government operations and dev- elopment paradigms.

With these insights and experiences, I decided to establish Motive8 Group. Our company provides advisory support and also implements development projects for the government. My journey, shaped by three consecutive fellowships, has equipped me with the skills and knowledge I now use to drive our company's mission forward.

Our company provides advisory support to the government and imp-lements development projects

Could you tell me about the unique experiences Vellore Institute of Technology offers and what you learned from the campus beyond academics?

VIT offers a vibrant and enriching campus life that extends far beyond academics; providing numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth through various clubs, organizations, and events. Being an alumnus, I got benefited immensely from the collaborative environment, diverse student body, and the emphasis on practical learning and innovation. I led a team of more than 50 sophomores which organized several international level technical events. I worked as a Chairperson in ASME VIT Student Chapter and was the captain of the prototype vehicle building ‘Team Uttejit’. These experiences helped shape my leadership skills, fostered a spirit of entrepreneurship, and prepared me to tackle real-world challenges effectively.

Could you explain your leadership approach?

In my organization, I have intentionally avoided a conventional hierarchical structure. We don't have rigid roles where juniors must strictly follow seniors' commands. Instead, we involve the entire team in every project, fostering empathy and collaboration among all members.

When you create a traditional hierarchy, it often stifles democracy and limits employees' opportunities
to voice their ideas. Here, even the most junior employee has the freedom to offer suggestions if they believe their input can lead to positive changes.

We are committed to developing the highest level of empathy, inclusivity, and collaboration within our team, ensuring that every member feels valued and heard.

What is the future roadmap you envision for yourself and your organization over the next five years?

With our established presence in 14 districts, we plan to accelerate this growth and extend our impact to all 788 districts of India through various interventions.

We operate in multiple domains i.e. education, health, nutrition, livelihood, renewable energy and skill development. In each of these areas, we have several initiatives that we propose to governments. Our vision is to create a meaningful impact in all 788 districts of India.

Our design thinking lab ‘Motive8 Studio’ works for developing innovative products to address the governance challenges. Our one such product ‘MHM Chachi’, addressing the ‘period poverty’ issue, has been listed as one of the most innovative behavior change practices by NITI Aayog. Another product has enabled the administration Purnea(Bihar) in becoming the first district to build ‘Menstrual Friendly Toilet’ in government schools. There are many such innovative designs and products in pipeline.

As a leader in the industry, what advice would you give to upcoming leaders?

I would advise upcoming leaders to forge their own paths. While it's beneficial to seek suggestions and advice, it's crucial not to blindly follow someone else's trajectory. Each of us has unique experiences, constraints, and environments. Just because a particular path worked for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you.

We all have our distinct journeys, and it's important to explore various opportunities and learn from our experiences. Every experience, whether positive or negative, offers valuable lessons. We should use these lessons to define our own paths rather than following someone else's path blindly. Success comes from adapting and learning from our unique experiences, and then using that knowledge to chart a course that aligns with our own strengths and circumstances.

Satwik Mishra, Founder & CEO, Motive8 Group

Satwik Mishra is the Founder & CEO of Motive8 Group, is on a mission to strengthening government program delivery systems in multiple districts. As one of the Alumni Leaders from VIT Vellore, his commitment to education and social better ment is evident.

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