Umar Ali Shaikh: Leading With Vision & Vigor Towards Success | CEOInsights Vendor
Umar Ali Shaikh: Leading With Vision & Vigor Towards Success

Umar Ali Shaikh: Leading With Vision & Vigor Towards Success

Umar Ali Shaikh ,  CEO

Umar Ali Shaikh


In the ever-evolving realm of business, leadership isn't just a role; it's the compass that guides companies toward prosperity amidst complexities. Umar Ali Shaikh, the Chief Executive Officer of Atos Solutions & Systems Private Limited in India, is a transformative force, armed with a postgraduate degree in business management and a spectrum of senior leadership and quality certifications.

Having pursued education from INSEAD Paris - Senior Leadership Program from 2021-22 and HEC Paris - Gold for business leaders in 2020, over the years, Umar navigated the intricate landscapes of Telecom and IT services across diverse global markets from India and South Asia to Europe and the Middle East. His operational ethos prioritizes quality and efficient time management, coupled with a passion for fostering personal growth and physical well-being among his team. Let’s read on.

You have over 28 years of experience. Can you share your journey to success and your key to achieving it?

I have a 10-point success mantra that I diligently follow, derived from my past experiences, learnings, and mistakes. First, I believe in the power of self belief; confidence is the foundation of achievement. I understand the balance between willpower and skill, knowing that high willpower enables the mastery of necessary skills. Trust is paramount in my daily work, ensuring that colleagues and customers can always rely on me. Staying true to myself means avoiding actions or decisions that compromise my values. Adaptability is crucial in a world of constant change, as it defines my progress.

I adopt a marathon mindset, focusing on consistency and resilience over short-term gains. This approach means staying steady even if others initially
surpass me, as long-term focus brings ultimate success. My focus remains on desired outcomes, aligning my efforts and those of my team towards achieving specific goals. Staying updated is essential to remain relevant amidst evolving circumstances, whether in life, socio-economic aspects or technology. I prioritize compassion over competition, fostering a supportive and ethical environment where fairness prevails.

My leadership approach focuses on connecting with employees at all levels through in-person meetings, town halls, and employee connect sessions

Lastly, maintaining happiness is crucial. Happiness allows for better management of personal and professional challenges, but I never become complacent. Constant seeking of improvement ensures growth and progress for the future. This holistic approach has guided my journey to success, shaping my responses to challenges and opportunities, and ensuring that I stay true to my values while continuously striving for excellence.

Can you describe your leadership approach and the guidelines or methodologies you adhere to?

My leadership approach focuses on connecting with employees at all levels through in-person meetings, town halls, and employee connect sessions. I practice Management by Walking Around, engaging in conversations to gain insights that improve business management. I emphasize efficient delegation and effective monitoring, trusting my team while ensuring that we stay on track. Additionally, I use a 'walk along' methodology, working closely with team members initially to ensure alignment before allowing them to operate independently.

How do you keep yourself up to date with ongoing industry trends to steer your organization towards the future, and what is the future destination you are heading towards?

I stay current with industry trends by reading books, journals, and publications, attending forums and events, and participating in internal trainings and orientation courses.
My future goals include sustaining and growing the business under my charge, maintaining the highest level of customer trust, investing in training and innovation to enhance our team's value, promoting environmentally conscious and decarbonized practices, and upholding corporate social responsibility by supporting those in need.

What guidance do you have for emerging leaders in the industry?

As a leader, it's paramount to have a deep understanding of the business, customers, partners, and competitors. This knowledge forms the foundation for making informed decisions that drive the business forward. Equally crucial is maintaining a solid grasp of your balance sheet, ensuring financial health and strategic planning. Building a capable and trustworthy first line of defense empowers the entire organization, fostering reliability and efficiency. Stay connected with your team, foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect. Punctuality and time management reflect your commitment to professionalism and efficiency.

Compassion should permeate your leadership approach, demonstrating empathy and understanding towards colleagues and challenges they face. When necessary, dive into the fray alongside your team, showing solidarity and commitment. Active listening is fundamental; it shows respect and encourages a collaborative environment. Accep- ting responsibility for mistakes builds credibility and trust. Recognizing and celebrating achievements of your team cultivates motivation and loyalty. Finally, prioritize personal well-being, including family and health, as a clear mind and balanced lifestyle are essential for sustainable leadership and successful business outcomes.

Umar Ali Shaikh, CEO, ATOS Solutions & Systems

Umar Ali Shaikh is a dedicated leader with a strong focus on understanding customers, partners, and competitors. He emphasizes financial acumen and builds trustworthy teams. Known for his punctuality and compassion, Umar actively engages with his team, listens attentively, and promotes a balanced lifestyle for sustainable leadership.

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