Vijay Sharma: Building Global Partnerships To Develop Sustainable Energy & Mobility Solutions | CEOInsights Vendor
Vijay Sharma: Building Global Partnerships To Develop Sustainable Energy & Mobility Solutions

Vijay Sharma: Building Global Partnerships To Develop Sustainable Energy & Mobility Solutions

Vijay Sharma,Managing Director, FEV India

Vijay Sharma

Managing Director, FEV India

The people of India have always been known for contributing to bringing innovation and discoveries to modern mankind. Vijay Sharma, Managing Director, FEV India is one of those Indian leaders who believed in India's talent & growth abilities. Vijay has pursued MTech from IIT Delhi and worked on various projects at IIT Delhi and RWTH Aachen. He has also worked with FEV Germany, an internationally recognized organization and research society for automotive engineering solutions. During his association with FEV Germany, he developed a curiousness to look for the possibilities for building a high-end research & development ecosystem for the Indian automotive industry at an Indian location. Soon with the aim to create world-class R&D opportunities for talent in India, he became a prominent part of FEV’s vision for the country. In the year 2006, he became a member of the core team at FEV to establish an FEV subsidiary in India and later built a technical center in Pune in the year 2009. FEV India has been serving the industry for 16 remarkable years with a team of more than 860 talented engineers and experts. Currently, Under Vijay’s exceptional leadership the organization is present across seven major automotive industrial hubs in India(Pune, Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Jaipur, Hyderabad, and Trivandrum). Let us hear it from him

Tell us about the learnings and experience that you acquired from IIT Delhi and how you apply them in your current role.
I have learned to be resourceful respect others & be inclusive and
undertake research in combustion engines & control software. And even today nothing has changed it still feels like a student for every new technology topic that we work on. My past learnings have enabled me to create and provide ample opportunities to new talent in R&D activities. I also ensure to enrich the same passion & energy in my team and inculcate a learning & growing environment in the organization.

We take pride in extending the FEV legacy and transforming the organization from conventional power train to complete end-to-end automotive technology solutions in a short period

How would you define FEV India as an organization and its position in the market?
FEV India leads a vision to build a global partnership to develop sustainable energy & mobility solutions for the automotive sector. Our core values are customer focus, professionalism, commitment, open mindedness, and respect. We are a leading player in the automotive industry excelling in H2 fueled propulsion systems, vehicle engineering, electric mobility including battery pack, power electronics, and control software for vehicles, and battery management, future vehicle EE architecture design, development, and validation, functional safety, and cyber security, platform software development, ADAS, connectivity & cloud, and data science. We are known for being a people-centric organization with highly skilled & motivated team members and world class infrastructure.

What are some of the significant challenge s you have experienced in your professional journey so far? How did you overcome them?
FEV India is an example of a growth story out of the COVID crisis; we have been able to identify opportunities amidst the
challenging situations. We were able to ramp up an expert team from 300 in the year 2020 to more than 860 in the year 2020 to more than 860 in the year 2022. We take pride in developing center of competencies in different technology domains and delivering global projects in a short period of time.

What has been the success mantra that constantly helps you arrive at positive outcomes?
My mantra is to keep things simple, have clear objectives, open communication, and have a solution mindset. I believe in respecting people, creating challenging roles, and trusting & empowering them. I
practice thinking from the end-customer point of view and their benefits while offering technology solutions & a roadmap.

What are the goals that you wish to invest in and how do you plan to take them further?
Some of my major goals include engineering leadership to promote the H2 economy for the Indian market, be the leading software partner for FEV Group to support global and local projects, and develop software products in controls, security, and SW development tool chain. I aspire to make FEV India the biggest center of FEV Group in cyber security, software-defined vehicle, platform software functional safety and data science.

Vijay Sharma, Managing Director, FEV India
Having a B.Tech from MNIT Jaipur an M.Tech from IIT Delhi and a research internship at RWTH Aachen University under DAAD Scholarship Program, Vijay has 17+ years of extensive experience working in FEV in various leadership positions

•Hobbies: Travelling, cricket
•Favorite Cuisine: Rajasthani
•Favourite Book: Ignited Minds
•Favorite Travel Destination:

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