VR Power Equipments: offering Customized & Turnkey O&M Solutions Utilizing Stringent Processes & Controls

Mukesh Rustogi
Managing Director
A Mechanical Engineer enriched with over 30 years of experience, Mukesh Rustogi (Managing Director) embarked on his entrepreneurial journey in 2005 with very limited resources but unlimited courage on oneself, to move ahead slowly but steadily in this ever-changing & exciting business environment. Incorporated with a dream to serve its customers with innovative & technologically advanced power products & reliable services, VR Group diversified its interests in Telecom Operation & Maintenance with VR Power in 2008 along with the sales & services of DG Sets & Batteries, SITC of Transformers, Education, Food Industry and upliftment of under privileged societies through a trust. Today, VR Power has reached a stage, where it’s ready to take off in a tangential direction for high revenues and better business profits. Mukesh, in an exclusive conversation with CEO Insights, articulates VR Power’s processes & future plans.
Kindly tell us about your organization and also give us an insight on the way you run the organization.
We are a registered vendor of Indus /Bharti/RJIO/GTL at Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Haryana for Installation, Commissioning, Annual Maintenance, Contract and After Sales services. VR Power provides customized & turnkey solutions in O&M segment in telecom telecommunications market, wherein it offers 24x7x365 support for all electromechanical installations.
" With Telecom Industry poised for growth, O&M partners like VR Power need to ensure strict monitoring & control of all the processes & systems in use by these service providers to satisfy their customers"
We believe in creating an atmosphere for learning and growing among our employees, which also enables them to perform as a team. We operate through specially created & tested systems & procedures and keep updating them as per the norms & regulations as adopted by companies of repute. Besides duly awarding our employees’ efforts for their contributions through an authentic annual appraisal system, we also take the best ones amidst them to holiday trips at times. Taking feedback from our team members periodically and aligning ourselves to meet customer expectations accordingly also facilitate us to grab new business opportunities.
Kindly tell us about your flagship offering. Also, how do you ensure the safety parameter?
With an opportunity to work with the Telecom’s most reputed such as Bharti, Indus Towers & RJIO to name a few, our prime responsibility is in meeting the customer’s expectations, which in turn helps us to learn and implement various effective O&M processes in our effort to exceed their expectations. Of course, honestly adopting these systems & processes at the ground level is the key to ensuring that all employees are safe. Additionally, VR Power is a certified OHSAS-18001(2015)company by M/s Intertek, UK, and Safety SPOCs are made available at each of the field locations, regular monitoring &controls are exercised to ensure ‘Injury Free’ working as far as possible.
Kindly throw some light on VR Power’s strategies to leverage the best of the upcoming business opportunities.
" With Telecom Industry poised for growth, O&M partners like VR Power need to ensure strict monitoring & control of all the processes & systems in use by these service providers to satisfy their customers"
We believe in creating an atmosphere for learning and growing among our employees, which also enables them to perform as a team. We operate through specially created & tested systems & procedures and keep updating them as per the norms & regulations as adopted by companies of repute. Besides duly awarding our employees’ efforts for their contributions through an authentic annual appraisal system, we also take the best ones amidst them to holiday trips at times. Taking feedback from our team members periodically and aligning ourselves to meet customer expectations accordingly also facilitate us to grab new business opportunities.
Kindly tell us about your flagship offering. Also, how do you ensure the safety parameter?
With an opportunity to work with the Telecom’s most reputed such as Bharti, Indus Towers & RJIO to name a few, our prime responsibility is in meeting the customer’s expectations, which in turn helps us to learn and implement various effective O&M processes in our effort to exceed their expectations. Of course, honestly adopting these systems & processes at the ground level is the key to ensuring that all employees are safe. Additionally, VR Power is a certified OHSAS-18001(2015)company by M/s Intertek, UK, and Safety SPOCs are made available at each of the field locations, regular monitoring &controls are exercised to ensure ‘Injury Free’ working as far as possible.
Kindly throw some light on VR Power’s strategies to leverage the best of the upcoming business opportunities.
With Telecom Industry poised for growth, O&M partners like VR Power need to ensure strict monitoring & control of all the processes & systems in use by these service providers to satisfy their customers. We should also have our own report cards showing adherence to the OPEX budgets of all the telecom service providers for self-sustenance and grab the opportunities that shall open up in future due to various mergers & acquisitions.
Preparing for the industry growth, I keep myself and my core team members abreast of the daily updates in the telecom industry. We ensure & maintain the excellent consistency of our effective operations in the field to make all customers realize our existence among the best service providers in the country. We would ensure that we shall leave no stone unturned in extending the best services to any Telecom company which is looking for a business partner. We’d help them not only to run their services but also to sustain their business ratios by extending quality services to them, as our entire country depends on them.
Key Management:
Mukesh Rustogi, Managing Director
With learnings from some great leaders who guided him as Bosses, blessings from all his family & friends and support from God, Mukesh struggled but continued on his journey with hope as his companion and discipline, dedication, sincerity & honesty as his religion. Today, his brainchild VR group is poised for growth, not only in India but also overseas.
Offices: Rajasthan, J& K , Gujarat and Delhi
Key Offerings: Telecom O&M, Deployment, SITC of Transformers & Generators, AMC/CMC-AC & DG sets and Civil / Electrical maintenance & Contractual Services
• Best OME under Energy Management
• Champions in Energy Management
• Cell Outages Reduction Award
• Achieving Penta Nine(99.999) & Hepta Nine(99.9999)Uptime for the first time in Rajasthan Circle
• Silver Award winners in O&M operations
Preparing for the industry growth, I keep myself and my core team members abreast of the daily updates in the telecom industry. We ensure & maintain the excellent consistency of our effective operations in the field to make all customers realize our existence among the best service providers in the country. We would ensure that we shall leave no stone unturned in extending the best services to any Telecom company which is looking for a business partner. We’d help them not only to run their services but also to sustain their business ratios by extending quality services to them, as our entire country depends on them.
Key Management:
Mukesh Rustogi, Managing Director
With learnings from some great leaders who guided him as Bosses, blessings from all his family & friends and support from God, Mukesh struggled but continued on his journey with hope as his companion and discipline, dedication, sincerity & honesty as his religion. Today, his brainchild VR group is poised for growth, not only in India but also overseas.
Offices: Rajasthan, J& K , Gujarat and Delhi
Key Offerings: Telecom O&M, Deployment, SITC of Transformers & Generators, AMC/CMC-AC & DG sets and Civil / Electrical maintenance & Contractual Services
• Best OME under Energy Management
• Champions in Energy Management
• Cell Outages Reduction Award
• Achieving Penta Nine(99.999) & Hepta Nine(99.9999)Uptime for the first time in Rajasthan Circle
• Silver Award winners in O&M operations