Yogesh Mittal: Driving Change In The EV Ecosystem As A Financial Leader | CEOInsights Vendor
Yogesh Mittal: Driving Change In The EV Ecosystem As A Financial Leader

Yogesh Mittal: Driving Change In The EV Ecosystem As A Financial Leader

 Yogesh Mittal,   CFO

Yogesh Mittal


The Electric Vehicle ecosystem is rapidly evolving as the world seeks sustainable transportation solutions. As the demand for cleaner and greener mobility grows, companies like JBM Renewables are at the forefront of this transformation. They are dedicated to developing businesses centered around carbon neutrality and environmental sustainability. One of the key leaders driving these initiatives is Yogesh Mittal, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at JBM Renewables. Yogesh's professional journey began with a Commerce degree from Symbiosis College in Pune in 2005, followed by becoming a Chartered Accountant in 2008. He started in the field of Tax and Business Advisory with renowned firms like PWC, Grant Thornton, and KPMG before transitioning into the corporate sector, contributing his expertise to companies like Indigo Airlines, and Renew Power. Currently, as CFO at JBM Renewables, Yogesh plays a pivotal role in the company's mission to shape the future of sustainable transportation. Let's hear more from him in the below interview snippets.

Could you please tell us about your professional journey and what motivates your daily activities?
I am Yogesh Mittal, CFO at JBM Renewables. I hold a Commerce degree from Symbiosis College in Pune, graduating in the class of 2005, and Chartered Accountant in 2008. I began my professional journey in the field of Tax and Business Advisory, initially working with PWC (formerly RSM & Co) in Mumbai and later with Grant Thornton and KPMG in Delhi. I also gained valuable experience in the corporate sector by working for companies like Indigo Airlines and Renew Power, and currently, I am employed at JBM. This journey has been transformative, as I transitioned from being tax specialist to assuming the role of a CFO and a driver of business value.

I have a strong passion for giving lectures at various institutions and universities, both in India and internationally, particularly on topics related to the practical aspects of tax and accounting. Additionally,
I actively participate in professional associations like ICAI and industry bodies, often serving as a key note speaker.

My daily routines are primarily motivated by my work responsibilities and the desire to continuously improve professional and business efficiencies. However, all of these efforts are driven by a clear vision that one's life should have a positive impact on the lives of many others.

Our goal is to build businesses centered around carbon neutrality & environmental sustain ability, a vision that the JBM Group whole heartedly embraces every day

As the CFO, what factors do you consider to ensure the consistent maintenance of the company's financial well-being?
To ensure the ongoing financial health of the company, we closely examine various financial indicators. It's crucial, as you mentioned, to maintain this consistency. We have established a routine monitoring system to review metrics like sales, operating expenses, outstanding debts, and accounts payable. One common observation is that the business teams, who are typically the primary drivers of an organization's revenue, are often well-informed about sales figures (the top-line), but may not always be aware of the resulting profits, which are the ultimate goal of any business. We believe that it's essential to ensure that everyone in the business teams is fully aware of and actively engaged in pursuing profitability.

In the JBM Group, we foster a culture of collective financial health monitoring through cross-functional teams (CFT). This involves assessing various factors such as cash flows, profits, funding sources, and risks, and comparing them to approved budgets. We place a strong emphasis on conducting thorough variance testing and root cause analysis (RCA) when necessary. Our reporting of business results has been digitized, and key personnel have real-time access to this information. Consequently, we closely track critical parameters such as sales, accounts receivable, debtto-equity ratios, net worth, and several others on a regular basis.

What is your success mantra for achieving positive outcomes in your
As a team leader, especially of finance professionals, I strongly believe that the critical element of success is a team's capacity to confront and conquer the most demanding situations while consistently achieving success. A leader's role is to cultivate this winning attitude within the team on a continuous basis. At JBM Group, we foster and uphold this belief and culture among all of our team members.

What is your ultimate destination in the future?
Our goal is to build businesses centered around carbon neutrality and environmental sustainability, a vision that the JBM Group whole heartedly embraces every day. We are actively venturing into sectors such as electric buses, solar power, waste management, and the electric vehicle ecosystem to realize this vision. Our mission is to continually expand these enterprises and generate maximum value for all stakeholders. Within JBM, we often refer to this mission as 'Tayari Udaan ki’, which translates to 'preparing for the flight’.

Specifically in the realm of finance, my objective is to channel increasing investments, whether in funds, technologies, or partnerships, into these areas, as they have become essential for our world in 2023 and for future generations. Additionally, I aim to align with emerging concepts like ESG reporting, carbon mechanisms, and various other developments to maximize the value for our businesses. We are placing a strong emphasis on automating and digitizing our processes and activities to enhance monitoring, mitigate risks, and manage compliance more effectively. At JBM Group, we uphold the values of Integrity, Safety, and Quality (ISQ) in all our endeavors.

What guidance would you offer to emerging financial leaders in the field?
Encourage specialization in all aspects of your life and within your area of expertise, and strive to assemble a team of specialists dedicated to a shared objective. I believe this approach is more effective in various respects. Additionally, concentrate on your strengths and shape your career in alignment with them, rather than attempting to fit yourself into a different mold.

Yogesh Mittal, CFO, JBM Enviro
Yogesh Mittal, a Chartered Accountant and CFO at JBM Renewables, brings finance expertise to drive sustainability. He's an educator and advocate for environmental responsibility.

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