• Maysa Al Kooheji,     CEO, United Insurance Company

    Maysa Al Kooheji , CEO, United Insurance Company

  • What makes someone a great leader? You may think of a long list of traits like open mindedness, decision making, hard work, teamwork, determination, dedication, negotiation, and so many other skills. Now pause, and think if `gender' crossed your mind while picturizing a leader. The chances are low; almost zero that you thought about it because gender doesn't matter. While it should not be a factor that determines leadership, our so called traditional mindsets have been at the forefront in curtailing the freedom for women who aspire to achieve. However, with centuries of effort, the situation of people, society, and even countries has begun to change. The opportunities for women in the Middle East are also a result of such change movements that slowly started ages ago. Especially, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which is considered to be one of the male-dominated cultures, today's women have started witnessing honorable space in the Board Rooms.

  • Maysa Al Kooheji: An Inspiring Leader With Unfailing Tenacity
Editor's Choice

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Top 10 CEOs in Bahrain ­- 2022

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  • Top 10 CEOs in Bahrain ­- 2022

    Irrespective of the economic environment, market conditions, and other factors, it is the CEO who bears most of the responsibility for the success or failure of the company they lead. This is becoming more apparent in the Middle East, where corporate governance has been improving for several years. There is now a clear separation between ownership and management in companies throughout the region. This trend is particularly strong in government-owned businesses, with even sectors such as defense and utilities now incorporated and even listed on stock exchanges. This has made CEOs focus more on long-term benefits that stem from innovation, technology, and ESG initiatives.

    Bahrain is one of the high-income economies and one of the most economically liberal countries in the world. It is considered the gateway to Arab state due to its strategic location in the centre of Middle East. The country has access to shipping traffic through the Persian Gulf and land route to the Arabian Peninsula. This combination of economic conditions, infrastructure and geographic location makes Bahrain a vital link in the global supply chain connecting the Middle East market to the world market.

    Bahrain's economy grew 6.9 percent in the second quarter of 2022 to record the highest rate of growth in the past 11 years, driven by a strong performance in the country's non-oil sectors that were targeted under the country's economic reform plan.

    CEO Insights Asia in this issue presents a list of `Top 10 CEOs in Bahrain ­- 2022' who have leveraged their extensive industry expertise and experience in offering effective skills to the market. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts and our editorial board. We recognize their valuable contribution to the ever expanding and competitive market and their ability to sustain themselves and emerge as top contestants through their reliable knowledge.

Top 10 CEOs in Bahrain ­- 2022

Company Logo Company Management Company Name Company Description
Ameeri Group Adel Ameeri, Chairman & CEO Ameeri Group A dynamic leader with a positive attitude and full of energy and new ideas on expanding the company from a trading store to being one of the leading manufacturing industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Bank of Khartoum International Ahmed Darwish, CEO Bank of Khartoum International He has a track record of establishing startup financial institutions and has worked in the retail, corporate, and investment banking industries
Gulf Markets International Alain Arida, CEO Gulf Markets International A determined business leader offering the best quality products from some of the largest manufacturers across the world
National Concrete Company Anil Nair, CEO National Concrete Company A dynamic leader with around 30 years of professional experience in the cement & concrete industry contributing significantly to the development of projects across the Kingdom of Bahrain
Horti Group Abdallah Bani Hani, CEO Horti Group Engaged in establishing a great name in the Middle East by successfully managing small and large scale landscape and contractual enterprises
United Insurance Company Maysa Al Kooheji, CEO United Insurance Company She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Financial Accounting from the University of Bahrain, an Associate member of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII) from the UK and has a Diploma in Life and Health Insurance (LOMA)
Springring Mohammed Ashoor, Co-Founder & CEO Springring A Computer Engineer, Investment Banker and Serial Entrepreneur, has seven solid years of experience in the corporate and investment banking world at reputable international organizations within wide-ranging and pivotal roles and responsibilities
Beyon Money Roberto Mancone, CEO Beyon Money He is engaged in developing a Digital Financial Service Regulated entity based on Fintech and Open Banking Client Centric Solution for Consumers and SMEs
Awal Plastics Ronnie Surty, Group CEO Awal Plastics A strong people leader passionate about people development, employee engagement, change management and diversity and likes cooking, reading and traveling
Localbh Saad Ahmed, Founder & CEO Localbh A people-powered digital media publisher represents the voice of today’s consumer by producing cutting edge content across social media channels

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Asharaf KP: A Healthcare Luminary with a Passion for Ethical Practice and Patient Well-Being
A Swift-progressing Business Corridor

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