Sheetal Sawhney Kapur , Director - Legal, Netflix
Netflix, the household name, has become our go-to channel for entertainment. The multi-billion-dollar brand has offices in more than seven countries and acquired 203.67 million subscribers from all around the world. Most importantly, the company has onboarded around 9400 strategic and creative minds. The stats as per Q4 of 2020 looks huge and beyond. And, leading such great companies is not a calk walk. Especially the legalities, compliance, and regulations at such large organizations is a dire and brainstorming responsibility. With that said, Netflix has appointed Sheetal Sawhney Kapur as the Director- legal, recognizing her as a perfect strategist to help them sustain both the internal and external market atrocities. Featuring her as one of the most influential Legal Officers, CEO Insights had an exclusive conversation with Sheetal Sawhney Kapur of Netflix.
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Much more than legalities, compliance, and regulations, it is important for a legal officer to have the necessary arsenal like far-sighted strategic thinking to survive the internal and market atrocities.
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Top 10 Chief Legal Officers - 2021
A like other countries, India is at the intersection of economic challenges due to the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. It has been possible to maintain the balance in the economic structure because of the tremendous workforce where foreign investments are poured for innovation and regulatory developments. With a plethora of developments happening in the different sectors, data protection is highly recommended by legal professionals. The legal professionals are safeguarding the vital notes of the development of different companies. It was also not a surprise on the Indian economic challenges presented to the legal professionals. The legal professionals with their astonishing legal pieces of advice and logical determination are able to guide a business from scratch to acquire funding from different sources, agreement signing, sending legal notices whenever required, and also helping in internal matters. All are done in full transparency and without hassles. According to National Legal Services Authority, the legal services integrate the providence of free legal aid to the weaker sections of the society who are listed under the purview of Section 12 of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. On behalf of the representation from the legal authorities’ side, the legal professionals are guided extremely well by their respective Chief Legal Officers. The campaigns by the legal firms have been able to create legal awareness through print media, digital media, and LokAdalats. The legal industry is similar to the different organizations, which are headed by a straight-chain of leaders, who are bringing different reforms with some curved thoughts. In this issue of the CEO Insights magazine, a list of ‘Top 10 Chief Legal Officers - 2021’ is presented to the readers with descriptions of the reforms by the legal reformers. The listing is prepared by a team of industry veterans, CEOs and VCs, and the CEO Insights magazine editorial team. The listing describes the expertise of the chief legal officers and the featured chief legal officers share their stories with the readers which are encouraging and exciting.
Company Logo | Company Management | Company Name | Company Description |
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Deepti Rustagi,Group Legal Head and Chief Compliance Officer | | She has 19+ years' experience in the fields of legal, compliance, regulatory, corporate secretarial matters and customer grievances |
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Disket Angmo,Head-Legal & VP - Strategy | Purple Style Labs | Currently working as Head - Legal & VP – Strategy for Purple Style Labs, the biggest Luxury Fashion House in India, Disket is acknowledged as one of the distinguished legal officers of the country |
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Prashant Pandey,Chief Legal Counsel | Marsh & McLennan Companies | He is known for specialities like arbitration, attorney, banking, drafting, legal, litigation, management, negotiation, policy analysis |
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Ravi Venkata Oruganti,Group Head - Legal & Compliance | Muthoot Pappachan Group | Company Secretary and a Law graduate with 28 years of experience in the field of Compliance, Legal, Corporate Secretarial, Operations, Corporate Governance, Internal Polices & Controls and Stakeholders Management |
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Ridima Bhargava,Head Legal and Strategy | Gameberry Labs | Leading the company towards sustained success in the diversifying business landscape by guiding along with the major legal & regulatory issues, and consecutively working on minimizing legal risks |
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Ruchika Nayyar,Vice President & Head- Corporate Legal | GMR Airports | For 25+ years' she is contributing to the legal challenges in the sectors like project finance & infrastructure funding , real estate financing, M&A ,corporate matters, general and commercial laws, property matters, litigation and dispute resolution matters |
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Sheetal Sawhney Kapur,Director - Legal | Netflix | An ‘Women In-House Counsel Of The Year 2017 – Legal And Regulatory’ awardee at the 68th National Constitutional Awards by the National Bar Association, she has experience working in global leaders like Google India |
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Suresh Savaliya,Head Legal, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer | Essel Propack | With 18+ years' experience in the industry, he is highly renowned for extremely successful services in Stock Exchanges, multi-companies corporate secretarial, statutory compliance, legal and regulatory affairs of domestic and foreign companies, fund raising, strategic decisions, and more |
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Vikas Goyal,Director Legal | Avantor | He is the General Counsel with 20+ years of diverse and rich experience in Corporate laws with the vision of a Business Leader |
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Vivek Sethia,Vice President, Legal & CS | Avinash Bhosale Infrastructure | His attributes in the legality with challenge solving capabilities in the domains like consulting, energy, real estate, shipping and steel, has earned him the repute in the industry for over 16 years |
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