• Dr. Amit Kumar,   Diabetologist & General Physician

    Dr. Amit Kumar , Diabetologist & General Physician

  • Diabetes enjoys a dubious distinction, affecting more than 77 million people as of last year and with a projection to increase up to 134 million in 2045. Not a proud fact to say; while we are having one of the youngest populations in the world. Diabetes is responsible for several other diseases affecting all organs from the kidney to the heart, but there are only a few who are striving to save lives. With the sole purpose of improving people’s health and getting back their lives to normal, doctors like Amit Kumar are working day in and day out. Having spent close to two decades in the Healthcare industry, Dr. Amit is one of the most well-known diabetologists and general physicians. Throughout his professional journey, he has worked with prestigious hospitals Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore. He is well known for his ethical approach, also recognized for his great teaching skills and academics. CEO Insights admires his leadership and appreciates his contribution to the ever-evolving healthcare sector.

  •     Dr. Amit Kumar: Making Big Differences With Quality Care & Value For Time

Khelomore To Receive Funding From Eruditus CEO Ashwin Damera

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