•   Abdullah Afzal,  CEO, Yolo Trading Establishment

    Abdullah Afzal , CEO, Yolo Trading Establishment

  • One of the most exciting parts of the information era is well informed consumers. They never settle for just a product or service and constantly look for overwhelming experiences whenever they make a purchase. This immediately takes anything less than highlevel quality and customer service out of the picture. Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient to the tune of even being able to sail amidst a violent, stormy pandemic. This embraces the story of Yolo Trading Establishment a Riyadh-based consumer products distributor, and the man at the helm of the company, Abdullah Afzal (Co-Founder & CEO, Yolo Trading Establishment).

  •  Abdullah Afzal: A Hands-On Leader Building A Successful Brand On Trust & Customer-Centricity

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Top 10 Indian Leaders in Saudi Arabia - 2023

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  • Top 10 Indian Leaders in Saudi Arabia - 2023

    Indians in Saudi Arabia: From Seeking Better Life to Giving Better Life
    No deny to the fact that Indian leaders are now reaching the pinnacle of entrepreneurial space around the globe through not only leading companies and organisations, but also nations. Quite literally the world is going through a shift today, where Indians are making a mark while breaking the glass ceiling and Saudi Arabia is not an exception. Though people of India and Indian-origin making a mark around the globe, is not at all a new concept, but the rapid addition in the count for Indian executives and other professionals abroad is really welcoming and overwhelming.

    Indian Diaspora
    India and Saudi Arabia enjoy cordial and friendly relations reflecting the centuries old economic and socio-cultural ties. Saudi Arabia is India’s fourth largest trading partner. More than 18 percent of India’s crude oil imports are sourced from Saudi Arabia. As per the Ministry of external affairs, India has the largest Diaspora in the world. UAE, the US and Saudi Arabia are the countries hosting the largest number of migrants from India. As per the 2018 Ministry of External Affairs report, there are 2,594,947 Indians residing in Saudi Arabia. This makes around 10-13 percent of Saudi Arabian population.

    "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality -  Warren Bennis"

    From Job Seekers to Leaders
    During the initial years of migration, Indian expats in Saudi were small workers seeking a better way to find living, soon after the discovery of oil, the migration skyrocketed. But later on, Saudi found expats from India emerging as businessmen, CEOs, engineers and doctors, with great contributions to Saudi Arabian economy, who have flourished in corporates across the region. Many of them hold top tier roles in local, multinational as well as government-owned companies. From Sunil Kaushal, Standard Chartered to Amit Jain, the CEO of the region’s largest listed real estate company Emaar and may other soon to be known leaders broke the boundary of limit with their abilities, capabilities, hard work and reached the pinnacle of success and definitely made both he countries proud with their achievements irrespective of the verticals, which deserves to be celebrated and acknowledged.

    CEO Insights in this issue presents a list of ‘Top 10 Indian Leaders in Saudi Arabia - 2023' who have leveraged their extensive industry expertise and experience in offering effective skills to the market. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts and our editorial board. We recognize their valuable contribution to the ever expanding and competitive market and their ability to sustain themselves and emerge as top contestants through their reliable knowledge.

Top 10 Indian Leaders in Saudi Arabia - 2023

Company Logo Company Management Company Name Company Description
Yolo Trading Establishment Abdullah Afzal, CEO Yolo Trading Establishment A hands-on leader with exceptional skills and expertise in business development, operations, e-commerce, retail and the manufacturing industry
Al Mukarramah Afzal Hussain, Founder & CEO Al Mukarramah A seasoned expert in the field of retail management, having achieved great success as both an entrepreneur and strategist, pioneered the premium islamic gifting industry, leveraging expertise and innovative spirit to produce a range of premium products
Saudi Tourism Authority Anand Menon, Executive Director Saudi Tourism Authority A result oriented business professional with over 15 years of experience in formulating growth strategies, profit & loss improvement, revenue maximization, brand management, product management and distribution expansion
VOV Gaming Muneeruzzaman Mohammed, Infrastructure Director VOV Gaming A dynamic professional with his 20 years of professional experience in technical and managerial in infrastructure networks, security, on perm & cloud multi vendor solutions, mobile app and web development and many
Zahrani Group Rahim Pattarkadavan, CEO Zahrani Group A business leader with a career spanning more than a decade developing a reputation as a strategic thinker and innovative leader, with a passion for driving change and making difference
RSM Saudi Arabia Sadeqh Saleem, Leader – IT, Cybersecurity & Data RSM Saudi Arabia An Indian leader known for his exceptional leadership skills, analytical abilities, and pragmatic approach skilled in fostering flexibility, business agility, and viability, keeping companies competitive and building value
Saudi Motor Sport Company Sajid Sayeed , Event Director Saudi Motor Sport Company A passionate leader with over 15 years of experience in the event management industry gaining wealth of knowledge and experience in leading and organizing large scale events focusing on motor sports events, specifically Formula 1 and Formula E
Nabatat Contracting Company Sandeep Mandapalli , Director Of Operations Nabatat Contracting Company A dedicated and passionate individual with specialization in operational strategy and efficiency with 17 years of experience in the industry
Eram Group Siddeek Ahmed,Chairman & Managing Director Eram Group A business conglomerate with over 40 plus entities spread across 16 countries with over 30+ years of experience
SAB Express Turab UR Rahaman, Director Operations SAB Express An executive leader having a comprehensive history of working in the logistics domain with over twenty seven years of experience

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Dr. Dinesh Verma : Transforming The Landscape Of Physiotherapy Through Patient Centric Approach
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