• Dilip Jain, Director, Johnlee Pharmaceuticals

    Dilip Jain , Director, Johnlee Pharmaceuticals

  • Responsible for playing a pivotal role amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the pharmaceutical and life sciences sector is brimming with new possibilities. To cope with the ongoing and upcoming healthcare crisis across the world, many countries have accelerated their research and adopted novel technological advancements to develop the cutting-edge medicines and vaccines in history. Supplying over 50 percent of global demand for various vaccines, including 40 percent of basic demand across the US and 25 percent of all medicines in the UK, India is currently positioned as the largest provider of generic drugs globally. Worldwide, India ranks third in terms of medicinal production by volume and 14th by value. In India, the domestic pharmaceutical sector includes a massive network of 3,000 drug companies and approx. 10,500 manufacturing units. Equipped with a large pool of scientists, engineers, and industry stalwarts having the potential to navigate the industry ahead to greater summits, India is enjoying a significant position in the global pharmaceuticals sector.

  • Dilip Jain: A New-age Industry Leader Working on Technology & Innovative Ideas to Make Medicines Affordable to Common People

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Top 10 Leaders in Pharma & Life Sciences - 2022

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  • Top 10 Leaders in Pharma & Life Sciences - 2022

    The Life Sciences industry refers to all of the organizations and companies whose work is centered on research and development focused on living things (animals, plants, and human beings). The pharmaceutical industry is often considered a Life Science industry with its focus on the development, creation, and distribution of medications to aid the health of living things. Indian life sciences industry is on the cusp of significant change.

    Several locked-in trends demographic, regulatory, technological and financial, are shifting the trajectory of the industry. India has a growing pharmaceutical industry of its own. It is likely to become a competitor of global pharma in some key areas, and a potential partner in others. India has considerable manufacturing expertise, and the Indian companies are among the world leaders in the production of generics and vaccines. As both of these areas become more important, Indian producers are likely to take a large role on the world stage and potentially partner with global pharma companies to market their wares outside of India.

    The Indian pharmaceutical sector is worth $42 billion and ranks 3rd in terms of volume and 13th in terms of value worldwide. According to the Indian Economic Survey 2021, India’s domestic pharmaceutical market is estimated at $42 billion in 2021 and likely to reach US $65 billion by 2024 and further expand to reach $120-130 billion by 2030. In the global pharmaceuticals sector, India is a significant and rising player. India is the world’s largest supplier of generic medications, accounting for 20 percent of the worldwide supply by volume and supplying about 60 percent of the global vaccination demand.

    Meanwhile, life sciences players will continue to witness shifts in the relative attractiveness of global geographies and product segments. The growth is a result of the leaders working proactively in the pharmaceutical industry of India and helping the country grow and acclaim being the largest provider of generic drugs to the world. In this issue of the CEO Insights magazine, ‘Top 10 Leaders in Pharma & Life Sciences - 2022’ listing is delivered by a team of market researchers, CEOs and VCs, and the CEO Insights magazine editorial team for informing the readers about the leaders in pharma and life sciences, their success journey and inspiring stories.

Top 10 Leaders in Pharma & Life Sciences - 2022

Company Logo Company Management Company Name Company Description
Unimarck Pharma Bhupinder Pal Singh,Chairman & Managing Director Unimarck Pharma With 15+ years experience in topnotch pharma companies, he is an excellent entrepreneur and has led a team of 600 professionals in the pharmaceutical industry
Brawn Laboratories Brij Raj Gupta,Director Brawn Laboratories Successfully ran a company for more than three decades and made a mark in the pharmaceutical industry both domestically and globally, he is playing a prominent role as the Director of Brawn Industries
BioZenta Lifescience Deep Narayan Sharma,Managing Director BioZenta Lifescience With 12+ years of experience, he has excellent skill in manufacturing of machines and directing pharmaceutical products manufacturing
Johnlee Pharmaceuticals Dilip Jain,Director Johnlee Pharmaceuticals He has implemented his acquired professional skills to lay a strategic grid that ultimately catapulted the evolution of Johnlee Pharmaceuticals as a leading brand of pharmaceutical and life sciences domain
Global Patient Safety Dr. Anju Agarwal,Director Global Patient Safety He offers complex medicines to the healthcare sector
Telangana Pharmatech Dr.D. Sreedhar,Founder Telangana Pharmatech He is a research and development professional who has vision of contributing to the society and has many scientific research papers published under his name
Ami Lifesciences Girish Chovatia,Founder Ami Lifesciences Founder of an API product development enterprise that serves the global pharmaceutical industry through a diverse range of API products that caters to a wide spectrum of diseases and conditions
Adonis Laboratories Pankaj Kumar Undwar,CEO Adonis Laboratories He has been able to carve his identity as a competent and resourceful industry leader who is adroitly engaged to further refurbish the highly phenomenal pharmaceutical industry
GoodHums Ranjeet Mishra,Founder & Managing Director GoodHums With 17+ years of experience in solving a wide range of challenges, he is an expert in cardio metabolism therapy and sales & marketing in different parts of the country
Genericplus Pharmacy Santosh Shedge, Founder & Director,Girish Jain, Founder & Director Genericplus Pharmacy A leading head of generic pharma moving who is moving forward with a mission to provide the best quality medicines facilities at an affordable rate

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Dr. Dinesh Verma : Transforming The Landscape Of Physiotherapy Through Patient Centric Approach
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Mohammad Ali Kalloo Khan: A Proficient Industry Leader Enriching The Abudhabi Health & Wellness Landscape

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