• Vishwanath Ananthakrishnan, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Mirafra Technologies

    Vishwanath Ananthakrishnan , Senior Vice President & General Manager, Mirafra Technologies

  • Without them today’s world will come to a standstill: these tiny semiconductor chips, made up of millions of transistors are the building blocks of modern electronics from smartphones and laptops to automobiles and medical equipment. With their potential to process terabytes of data at lightning speed, they are advancing fields like artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things. Vishwanath Ananthakrishnan is a prominent figure in the Indian chip industry ecosystem. He has played a vital role in building and leading world-class R&D teams that fuel the development of these nextgen chips. Vishwanath Ananthakrishnan, the Senior Vice President and General Manager of Mirafra Technologies is a dynamic and accomplished leader. With nearly two decades of experience in the semiconductor industry, including his time at SGI, USA, Chelsio, and now at Mirafra, he has extensive experience in developing

  • Vishwanath  Ananthakrishnan: A Visionary Industry Leader Contributing Towards Shaping The Future Of Semiconductor Ecosystem In India
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Top 10 Senior Vice-Presidents - 2023

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  • Top 10 Senior Vice-Presidents - 2023

    Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work
    A leadership role is one where you are responsible to manage a situation, a team or an entire organisation ethically and effectively. They are visionaries who motivates and encourages the team to reach the desired outcome. Leaders have the skills to clout and conduct their team in a shared strategy. They are also responsible to strengthen and cultivate employee morale, helping employees reach their full potential and inspiring employee loyalty, encourage and appreciate their work. The abilities required to be an effective leader must be developed via learning and practice. If you are hoping to work in a leadership role one day or want to improve as a leader, you may want to know more about how to be successful.

    "Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing other"

    It’s not about how long a leader lasts, but all about the Impact they leave behind!
    A senior vice president is a key employee within a company who manages other executives, maintaining industry knowledge and developing goals and strategies. Depending on the structure of an organization a senior vice president may have varying levels of responsibility, although they are generally at the top of the corporate structure next to the president, CEO and executive vice president. Oversee executives and managers throughout the entire organization. Evaluate the success through finances, company culture and talent acquisition. Make decisions on behalf of their department and negotiate with clients and business partners. Network with other industry executives and stay informed of opportunities within the field. Research industry standards and promote innovation within their department. Collaborate with leaders to develop a mission and implement strategies for success. Assume responsibility for and maintain the quality of the work their department produces.

    In this issue of CEO Insights, we bring you a list of ‘Top 10 Senior Vice-Presidents - 2023’ who have leveraged their extensive industry expertise and experience for the growth and profit of the respective organisations in which they have served. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts and our editorial board.

Top 10 Senior Vice-Presidents - 2023

Company Logo Company Management Company Name Company Description
Flipkart Anand Lakshminarayanan, Senior Vice President Flipkart An technology leader with more than two decades of software industry experience - across software design & implementation, product management and general management
Virtusa Mohit Sharma, Senior Vice President Virtusa A business consultant with more than two decades of phenomenal experience, with specialization in solution architecture, business process improvement, agile methodologies and others
Elan Group Naveen Gupta,Senior Vice President Elan Group A dynamic leader possesses more than three decades of phenomenal experience in procurement, global sourcing, business development in the real estate & automobile sector
DLF Limited Pankaj Sharma,Senior Vice President DLF Limited A visionary leader specialized in sales, and international market development, experience in automotive & real estate sales of ultra luxury brands, new market development and business strategy
Lodha Sachin Bansal,Senior Vice President Lodha An sales and marketing professional with 15 years of experience in managing operations and running a business, also having experience of working in distinctively varied geographies
MakeMyTrip Sambit Sarangi, Senior Vice President- Technology MakeMyTrip A tech expert with more than two decades of experience in building highly scalable, low latency & intelligent internet products, excellent understanding of digital and new age technologies
HDFC Bank Vedantam Saikia, Senior Vice President HDFC Bank A professional leader with 17 years of experience with expertise in retail banking, relationship management, trade, finance and others
Esri India Vijay Kumar, Senior Vice President & CTO Esri India An emerging leader with more than 33 years of association with industry and academia, and also have contributed towards evolving innovative solutions for key business problems
Eris Oaknet Healthcare Vinay Talwar, Senior Vice President - Skincare & Cosmecare Division Eris Oaknet Healthcare A distinguished leader with three decades of rich experience in the healthcare industry combining tremendous experience & expertise in varied domains and strategies that were implemented keeping in mind the interest of patients
Mirafra Technologies Vishwanath Ananthakrishnan, Senior Vice President & General Manager Mirafra Technologies An accomplished leader with nearly two decades of experience in the semiconductor industry, and also having extensive experience in developing next-generation super computing and networking chip

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