| | SEPTEMBER 202219bring them into mainstream adoption through proven methodologies.We also believe culture as a primary driving force for innovation and hence are committed to facilitating an environment that encourages experimentation at scale. Other than investing in our people to build capabilities in emerging technologies through training programs and certifications, we have organized our workforce into communities of interest to cross pollinate learning, ideas, best practices which truly drive the spirit of innovation on the ground.We believe understanding customer and their changing expectations goes a long way in ensuring success for many of the digital transformation efforts, hence we believe its not just technology or tool but the methods that are of supreme importance. We deploy Design thinking methodologies to not only understand the customer better but to identify the art of possible and unlock value for the business. We blend design and engineering to deliver products and solutions of relevance to the customer. Our proprietary Brillio ONE.ai powers the solution development and delivery with Agility and speed.How is agile methodology helping digital technologies? Agile is all about delivering useful product features iteratively and frequently with focus on client feedback. Digital transformation is intrinsically complex due to a volatile business & technology landscape and frequentlychanging customer/consumer expectations. Agile methodologies offer a high amount of flexibility to change. Customers/Consumers are looking for quicker results and ability for an organization to adapt quickly to changes. Such expectations cannot be achieved with traditional ways of execution. Demanding customers and ever-changingconsumption patterns, needs a rapidly evolving technology system to adopt a view beyond the confines of the triple constraints of scope, cost, and time. And agile methodologies are at the heart of driving this revolution to help organizations move to product-centric models of operation. Agile inherently changes the mindset of developers, business analysts, and product owners to prioritize better. Thus, it brings in a lot of discipline and offers continuous improvement. These are the primary reasons why agile is the most suited delivery methodology of software products.As a result, agile philosophy today is a pivotal part of all parts of the digital technology value chain right from crafting the vision and design objectives that align with agile principles, to leveraging agile methods and tools to engineer high performing resilient systems, to agile product management that ensures continuous improvement, evolution, and relevance. Brillio is wired to drive the benefits of agile to our
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