| | MAY 20226C ON TR I BU TO R STransportation Legal Advocating ­ How Legal Chain Helps in TransportationTechnology Key to Global Travel RecoveryLinking Value Realization to HR TransformationRelevance Of Competition Law In Algorithm Driven Digital MarketA Glance into the Post-Pandemic World & the Opportunities It Holds for the Business LeadersTrend of On-demand Skilled WorkforceGeneral Counsel ­Between the Senate & the ArmyAbeer Kumar, Head - Legal, RapidoBenjamin Boesch,Chief Digital Officer,VFS GlobalRohit Chennamaneni, Co-Founder, DarwinboxVijayalakshmi Natarajan, Senior Director - Legal, India & Asia Pacific Region, HarmanRuchika Malhan Varma, Chief Marketing Officer,Future Generali India InsuranceDheeraj Khattar, Founder, MymobiforceDevakumar Ramamoorthy, Director & Asst Genral Counsel, VMwareEXPERTS TALKLAST WORDTHOUGHT LEADERSHIP18362940424612
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