| | AUGUST 202419My three guiding principles for leadership are to always be improving oneself, to embrace change, and to acknowledge the value of time. As nobody has time to wait, I place high value on prompt execution and effective decision-making. We must embrace change, so I make sure that my team and I are flexible and receptive to fresh concepts and advancements.My focus is on lifelong learning to lead effectively. It is essential to keep abreast of developments and trends in the field. With this expertise, I can talk with authority and confidence, making sure that my channels and customers know that my goal is to add value rather than closing deals.I prioritize being transparent and communicating clearly with other members of my team. I inspire a team atmosphere where everyone is committed to our common objectives by clearly outlining the observable advantages for our channels and end users. This strategy not only builds trust but also fosters long-term collaborations and mutual success.How do you follow the latest trends happening in the market and stay up-to-date?I rely on both ongoing self-education and professional certificates. I am a certified Black Belt in Sophos, which is a requirement for our internal certification program. This program makes sure I am updated about our products and those of our competitors by providing me with regular updates and information exchange. Apart from Sophos, I have independently sought other certifications from companies such as VMware, Microsoft, and IBM. I have about 33 qualifications in all. I often participate in industry forums, attend webinars, and read pertinent publications to keep up with the newest advancements and incorporate them into my strategic thinking.What kinds of impacts do you see yourself creating in your professional journey in the future?I hope to make a big difference through constant learning and adaptation. Sophos has been a huge help to me with its knowledge base and opportunity for me to advance professionally. I think I am where I am supposed to be, and I appreciate the help I have received.In the long term, I envision myself returning to India to retire and enjoy a phase of relaxation as I have already travelled across most of the countries learning different cultures, but I also see my career developing further. My goal is to leave a lasting impression on the industry by pushing innovation, taking on new challenges, encouraging teamwork, and supporting my colleagues. My main goal will be to use my expertise to promote excellence.
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