| | AUGUST 20245Word of mouth has also played a significant role in our growth. Satisfied clients often refer us to their networks, and we've secured new contracts through these referrals. Additionally, when senior managers from our existing clients move to new companies, they sometimes bring us along, further expanding our client base. This network effect has been securing contracts in Sierra Leone and beyond.How has ATS Tsebo grown over the years? How do you develop brand strategy and raise brand awareness among your customers?ATS and Tsebo have established a solid brand presence in the hospitality industry across Africa and the Middle East, catering to major clients, including leading mining companies like Arcelor Mittal, Sierra Rutile etc. In South Africa alone, our base employs over 15,000 people. And our brand is synonymous with quality and reliability in sectors such as hospitals and corporate facilities.In West Africa, where my focus lies, ATS has been a prominent player since the late 1990s, particularly in the mining sector. We have a robust presence in countries like Ghana, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. To sustain and enhance our brand, we focus on innovation and client engagement. For instance, we've introduced a mobile app that allows clients to easily order services and manage their needs, ensuring we stay connected and responsive to their requirements.Furthermore, ATS is well-known in the mining industry for its comprehensive service offer-ings, including catering, housekeeping, and more. By consistently delivering high-quality services and adapting to the latest trends and technologies in remotely operating African projects, we maintain our strong brand reputation and continue to attract and retain top-tier clients.Could you share the secret formula you use to facilitate cross-functional communication with stakeholders and clients?Transparency is key for me, as it forms the foundation of our team dynamics. We maintain a three-way communication approach, with our clients, our staff, and our corporate man-agement. I emphasize transparent communication and trust, allowing autonomy rather than micromanaging them.To keep clients informed and engaged, we regularly seek their feedback and hold various forms of communication, both formal and informal. This includes periodic meetings, such as weekly and monthly reviews, as well as social events where we can interact in a more re-laxed setting. These gatherings allow us to discuss performance and gather insights directly from our clients, helping us understand how we're doing and where we can improve.With my managers across the regions, we hold weekly meetings to discuss, brief and de-brief. This consistent and open communication fosters transparency and collaboration, which is critical to our success.Could you share some of the core principles and values that guide your leadership?I firmly believe that no one can achieve success alone; it is always a collective effort. This principle is at the heart of my leadership approach with a participative management style.We make it a point to be actively involved in all management activities at the project level, maintaining a friendly and approachable demeanor. I follow a `give and take' philosophy, engaging with my managers regularly, seeking their feedback, and ensuring that they feel heard and valued. I'm always open to gathering information from my team to execute plans effectively. This participative approach not only fosters a positive working environment but also encourages innovation and efficiency.As you consider the next chapter in your professional journey, what excites you the most about what lies ahead?It has indeed been an eventful and rewarding path. After this fulfilling career span, I am looking forward to retirement and embarking on a new consulting venture in a few years. Given my extensive experience and expertise, I believe this consultancy will allow me to leverage my skills to provide valuable insights and solutions within the Indian hospitality market. The prospect of applying my knowledge in a new capacity and contributing to the indus-try in a different way is something I am genuinely excited about. Innovation and transparent client communication and an open book policy, are the secret source to success of our company
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