| |NOVEMBER 20218HOW DESIGN THINKING CAN HELP ENTREPRENEURS GROWIN FOCUSBY CEO INSIGHTS TEAMIn the current era, starting a new venture or establishing a business is not a big thing, As the competition is getting higher, and today's entrepreneurs are very well versed with the fact that they need more than just entrepreneurship & leadership skills to stay ahead in the game. For entrepreneurs, when it comes to increasing profits, it is tempting to concentrate on making new sales or pursuing bigger accounts. But it is more important to understand that paying attention to your existing customers, no matter how small they are is the key essential to keep your business thriving. As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to understand the market and learn whether your product or service will be helpful to the customers or not. As someone who is starting a new business venture, you must consider the customer's needs and design your brand accordingly. Innovation is the driving force of entrepreneurship, and here comes the need to understand the significance of `Design Thinking'. Though this is a buzzword in the business world, many leaders are still not fully aware of how to utilize, in order to make the best results out of it. So, we decided to help them out with this article, which will focus on design thinking and how it can help entrepreneurs grow. Let's have a look.
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