| | AUGUST 20242Where do your pro ducts come inhandy? INNOVAT ION, QUALIT Y, AND GROW T H: INSIDE T HESUCCE SS ST ORY OF LANDMARK CRAFT S PVT . LT D.In an exclusive conversation, thevisionary Managing Director ofLandmark Crafts Pvt. Ltd., PankajLidoo, sheds light on the company'sremarkable journey of growth sincebeing esta blished in 1995 and itsfuture plan s as one of India's leadingmanufacturers of self-drilling screwsand fasteners -- highlighting HPbrand's piv otal role in meeting theburgeoning demand spanning diverseindustries and projects.In addition to being a leading companyin the retail market, we supply ourproducts to several reputed clients,including prestigious governmentorganizations - BHEL, and the IndianRailways, among others. Metroprojects across India are also using oursupplies. How and when did the journey of thesuccess story of Landmark Crafts Pvt.Ltd. begin?Our intent to ven ture into theproduction of self-drilling screws andfasteners took root in 2007 when werecognized the potential for growth inthis eld in India. Am idst the growingdemand and popularity of colour-coated sheets and the conspicuouslack of manufacturers catering to thedemand for the much-needed screwsand fasteners, the bir th of LandmarkCrafts Pvt. Ltd. took place.Currently, we run three state-of-the-art manufacturing units functioning onthe latest technology in Haryana'sPanchkula. We have more than 14marketing oces in India's dierentcities.From the company's humblebeginnings entailing importing screwsfrom Taiwa n at outrageous prices tobecoming self-relia nt in theirmanufacturing in India by acquiringthe requisite technical knowledge andskills and eventually emerging as amarket leader in this domain in thecountry, La ndmark Crafts Put. Ltd, hasgone from strength to strength.IT GIV ES us immense satisfaction to beseen as a home-grown companycontributing to the development ofIndia's infra and rea l estate projectswith our portfolio of world-class screwsand fasteners.PAN KAJ LIDOO Managing Directordrilling scre ws have come a long way,wherein their application and demandhave surged steadily and signicantly.This has led to increasedmanufacturing of a variety of screws,including Our well-trained, customer-centricsales and service teams, present in ourmarketing oces spanning India'svarious cities, expeditiously addressissues and complaints at project siteswith the most eective solutions.Additionally, the demonstration of ourproducts in dierent workshops helpspromote a better understanding oftheir use, leading to enhanced clientsatisfaction. Our current emphasis revolves aroundinnovating and improving as well asdiversifying our product oerings byleveraging cutting-edge technologiesand boosting our production capacity.Exploring expansion into new marketsby recogni zing and catering to thedistinct and diverse productrequirements therein is an area of keyfocus for us. Additionally, we are dr iven to enhancefurther our brand's value, customers'trust in it and customer satisfaction bycontinuing to customize our products.In whi ch ind ustries do you have the mostsignicant client base?How does the company full itscommitment to client satisfaction? In wh at ways do you plan to enhancethe company's footprint in the comingyears? fasteners, which nd their use instructures made of iron and steel andwork for dierent surfaces andstructures - ranging from wood toconcrete. What has attributed to the companystaying ahe ad of the eld consistentlyamid growing competition? Since our establishmen t, we have beencom-mitted to manufacturingproducts of world-class standardswhile addressing the uniquerequirements of our customers andensuring timely delivery. Our in-houseexpertise in this produ ct category hasbeen fortied with us embracingemerging technologies promptly. Weorganize relevant training for ourworkforce regularly to enhanceeciency in our production lines.Moreover, our profuse and continuousinvestments in research anddevelopment have been thecornerstone of our success. From their limited usage in pre-engineered buildings (PEBs) and in airhandling units (AHUs) in the past, self-
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