| | NOVEMBER 2021192nd innings with multi-layered as well as multi-lev-el trade commerce experiences through virtual CFO experts that focus on simple steering committee ar-rangements. The global unique specific standards, value systems of patterns, and style focus on global accounting standards to build part of our controller's operation. In the Indian context, CFOs do play reserved, shy, orthodox, restricted, separated financial unique qual-ities, but not a spend thrift concentrating more on cost value and highly restricted, will have a different vision mission avatar of merging easily with the peo-ple, where the stake of time efforts and investment is on the nature and experience, not on physical roles and responsibilities. Their richness in terms of qual-ity expert financiers raise to rise through their funds or expanding into multiple geographies or quality products with secured solution services. Such unique qualities of a Virtual CFO will build more credibili-ty and visibility towards transparency and improved corporate posture. Virtual impact of compliance and governance focusing on forensics, secured authorized information handling, prevention of financial loss and reputation, gaining social re-engineering, growth risk assessment for multiple medium average large organizations with multiple access points with online measured controlled actions in place to focus on the opportunities towards building multiple products to-wards the business goals. Post pandemic context, the Virtual Resilience to future digitally transformed situation, focused se-cured strategies that enable organizations to become cost effective and efficient are critical factors part of the competition. Virtual CFO concepts withstand the pattern of long & short financial trends with econom-ic slowdown and turnaround time financially to fail fast protecting the profits returns & revenues. Compe-tencies and skill sets are required to focus on virtual CFOs.The future finance leaders have thoughtful, struc-tured and restrained confidence plan to focus on the challenges from the road ahead. Digital driven areas like improving online digital cash flow to ensure the accounts receivable and accounts payable processes will be vital in accuracy of financial reporting with periodic audits on the environmental, social & gov-ernance through multiple platforms. New areas like blockchain, AI, automation are delivering structured and more insightful data. The planned upskilling and expectations towards the frequent changes of tax law derived out of regulatory changes with new account-ing digital standards.A virtual CFO focusing on digital expenses man-agement connecting with both outsource and on roles through payroll management. Post covid work from home, the remote work through monitoring cyberse-curity with known and proven tested financial work controls across with available and affordable audits setting low morale, building continuous streamlined accurate financial forecasts, update and upgrade with the current technology with latest models methods patterns and tools. Building a challenging career can be done through innovative disruption and rich focus from Virtual CFO.
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