| | AUGUST 202319Global Logistics but it could only take shape in 2020 by that time Covid had struck but we overcame the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and thrived. My motivation lies in a long-term aspiration to establish an organization that employs hundreds of happy individuals and fosters a positive and gratifying work environment.In your extensive 25-year career, how did you achieve success and what principles have shaped your path?Throughout my career spanning over 25 years, I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience in the industry. Starting at a young age due to financial circumstances, I had to prioritize work over formal education. However, it was during the past 10-15 years that I truly grew, meeting great minds, acquiring industry expertise, establishing connections, and creating opportunities not only for myself but also for others. As a result, I earned recognition and trust from peers and clients, which became a gratifying reward. Along the way, I had the privilege of meeting remarkable individuals and working with exceptional superiors, maintaining enduring relationships with them. The initial years served as a practical learning phase, akin to a postgraduate diploma, while the subsequent years brought forth notable achievements and accomplishments, including successfully managing government projects during the challenging COVID-19 period. Success, for me, cannot be measured or quantified; it is the continuous personal and professional growth, the welfare of my family and staff, and the ability to seize opportunities that truly matter. Can you please provide some information about Sino Global Logistics Co. Limited and its current standing in the market?Sino Global Logistics Co. Limited is currently a small organization with a team of 30 people. Despite our size, we take pride in fostering a positive and contented work environment for our team members. In terms of our position in the market, we acknowledge that we are a small player in a vast industry. However, we have carved a niche for ourselves by focusing on the China-India and China-Middle East trade lanes. Our expertise and reliable services have gained recognition, particularly in facilitating trade between India and China. Please share your leadership style and the principles or strategies you employ as a leader.I approach leadership as an ongoing learning journey, recognizing that it doesn't come naturally to anyone. While some individuals may possess innate charisma, true leadership in the context of day-to-day business requires experience, education, and empathy. I place a strong emphasis on training, encouraging even senior executives to revisit fundamental concepts and engage in continuous learning. Through training programs and coaching sessions, I foster motivation and personal growth for myself and the team. I understand the value of seeking guidance from coaches to enhance my own development. Moreover, I prioritize gravitas, maintaining a strong presence and remaining receptive to learning from others. What is the ultimate goal or direction you are working towards?Our future trajectory involves expanding our operations and focusing on India as our next destination. With the current global supply chain dynamics, Asia, particularly India, presents significant growth opportunities. As Indians, we take pride in the country's policies, workforce, and entrepreneurial spirit, which make it an ideal market to tap into. Our hearts, investments, and aspirations are directed towards India, and we are determined to forge partnerships and scale our presence in this promising market. We are excited and proud to embark on this new chapter. WITH THE CURRENT GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN DYNAMICS, ASIA, PARTICULARLY INDIA, PRESENTS SIGNIFICANT GROWTH OPPORTUNITIESeditor's choice
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